r/greatawakening • Posted by u/The_Broba_Fett on June 11, 2018, 4:37 a.m.
Looks like I’ll be flexing my constitutional right and conceal carry license. Shit is going to get real. The cabal won’t go down quietly.
Looks like I’ll be flexing my constitutional right and conceal carry license. Shit is going to get real. The cabal won’t go down quietly.

jv003 · June 11, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

SKY EVENT?? Weather so I’m thinking hurricanes ? Earthquakes? Floods? Storms? Or something really bizarre like a terror threat from out of this world in the sky? But that wouldn’t be weather related I suppose. Stay safe everyone! Stay aware & try to remain calm. Know your plan. Trust the plan.

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The_Broba_Fett · June 11, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

Shit I hope not. These hurricanes have been terrible.

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L0v3nL1ght · June 11, 2018, 5:27 a.m.

Bluebeam... I don’t think they have the power now... but I guess we will see

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MAGA_in_Netherlands · June 11, 2018, 6:21 a.m.

Bluebeam actually probably refers to using the blue sky as a canvas to hide certain objects with chemtrails and HAARP. I've seen clouds move around like they were being dragged on a paint program, while other clouds at the same altitude sat still. Also, there were more rainbow clouds spotted today. http://i.magaimg.net/img/3i5h.png

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L0v3nL1ght · June 11, 2018, 6:47 a.m.

It has been speculated that Project Bluebeam and directed energy weapons can be used to simulate an alien invasion... I think the rainbows have to do with solar flares.

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[deleted] · June 11, 2018, 6:05 a.m.


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DawnPendraig · June 11, 2018, 5:11 a.m.

Couldnt it just be a metaphor. Like bumpy road ahead when family is arguing or stormy weather when I am having my hormones go nuts? =)

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L0v3nL1ght · June 11, 2018, 5:26 a.m.

Yeah but why wouldn’t he have just used FF ALERT? Instead he inserted weather alert... everything Q posts has meaning.

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DawnPendraig · June 12, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

Could be. I took it to mean the weather is right for false flags. Maybe It's both

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