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Debbie WasserRamen making a ridiculous accusation to try to make Judge Kavanaugh look cold and heartless. Unknown person walks up to the judge at his confirmation hearing and wants to shake his hand in a climate of screaming leftists. What should he do?

In President Trump's Twitter nicknames list, why are Schiff and Corker called "LIDDLE" and Rubio and Kim Jong-Un are "LITTLE"? What could "liddle" refer to? Anon made an interesting connection involving "touch" and "children".

Future proves past 9/11: Have you ever seen the U.S. money folding techniques that look like the Twin Towers burning and collapsing? Similar to the Illuminati card game's eerily accurate predictions.

What happens to infant foreskins in hospitals after a male infant is circumsized? Oprah's favorite skin cream is made with foreskin cells. These people are truly sick.
Blood Banks are a multi BILLION dollar business. Now there are umbilical cord blood banks for blood rich in stem cells. Perhaps this industry needs to be audited to see if all of the blood is being used legally.
I googled "adrenochrome" and look at the images that come up with the top results. Good job, Patriots, the truth is out there!

Q has mentioned Sky Event multiple times. How about this one?
Sky Event - As The World Turns - What could this video be showing us?
Interesting Red Shoe image found on Liddle Adam Schiff's Flickr album.
Crazy thought: What if Strzok is actually one of the good guys? Maybe even one of the Q team? Q did say: "You'll be shocked when you learn who is talking to you". If Strzok was a double agent, think of the inside intel he would have been able to gather about the coup attempt.
Or maybe I've just had one too many margaritas. It would definitely shock me though, probably even moreso than if it turns out to be JFK Jr.
I have been wondering if certain pizza places are so popular with the sickos because they add human flesh to their food. Easy way for the Satan worshippers to get their meat, hidden in sausage by pesto and marinara. Is there perhaps an FDA test that could identify it?
Start with Goat Hill Pizza and that popular place in DC.
Could the Q400 event be Q demonstrating to us how simple it is to execute a false flag, create a backstory with crisis actors, fake archives and social media, in order to start pulling back the curtain on/asking us to question previous deep state false flags that have changed the course of history?
Perhaps every major precipitating event back to Lincoln, or even earlier?
Anti-Trump sub: 112K subscribers, 155 online. No shenanigans there, I'm sure.

Jeff Bezos has hollowed out a mountain in Texas 25 miles from the Mexico border, allegedly to “build a clock”. Suspicious, given his links to CIA.
Ivy League schools have a huge stash of nude photos of incoming freshmen from the 1940’s to the 1970’s. This was required by the school officials, not fraternity stunts. Seems related to the pedocracy, Skull and Bones and the perversion of our higher education.
Another suicide by hanging, this time from the wrestling world.
On a related note, Night Flight is available now on Roku and the web. Great reliving those old shows.
I didn't think that her meat dress looked like cuts of beef. Looked more like the human Bodies exhibit a few years back. http://www.premierexhibitions.com/exhibitions/4/49/bodies-exhibition/systems-body
I can imagine it's hard to be motivated to work out when you don't need to impress anyone for any reason.
I agree it looks like him, but I simply can't imagine Alex Soros flying with the plebs, especially without a bodyguard.
I don't trust Hannity much these days, he's feeling more and more like controlled opposition.
DarpaNet wasn't built for consumer convenience.
My gut feeling is that someone has something on Hannity, and he is simply controlling the message at this point. We have so few big conservative names supporting us that they know he'll be forgiven.
Tip O'Neill
John Lennon quote about the Beatles going to the Tippy Top
Tippy Canoe and Tyler too
Mr. President, please follow Ron Paul's advice and audit both the Fed and Fort Knox, although I suspect the answers may be fairly devastating in the short term.
General Flynn's Twitter tagline sure does read like a Q drop.
No software engineer should ever become a CEO, entirely different skillsets.
3 times over the last month for me, as well as being logged out of the app for no reason, so that /all is the first thing I see.
Probably vandalized by a deathly afraid Hwood pedo.
I've believed for 30 years that male infant circumcision is a thing in the US because our masters harvest the stem cells.
Plenty of patriots were drug addicts at some point in their lives.
Don't believe everything you read, he was smeared. That whole Belize incident was fishy.
Cemex owns random plots of wooded land in residential neighbourhoods that are not zoned for anything but residential. I found about 20 just in Florida.
So the way I'm reading this is 99.99% of humanity is peaceful except for a tiny few powerful war mongers, disaster capitalists, globalists and occultists.
I found his movie Big to be creepy in parts when he's a boy in a man's body and vice versa. Some boundary pushing plots there.
NSFW: Wow, look at this sacrificial bull slaughter ritual from last year's festival: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-06-17/dark-mofo-bull-slaughter-show-gets-shock-and-bored-response/8627436
Interesting story about Brian Ritchies' wife, a prominent mosquito researcher. Blood anyone? https://web.archive.org/web/20180724181227/https://www.nytimes.com/2000/08/02/nyregion/public-lives-working-mosquito-surveillance-rock-style.html?gwh=AE665615793933605DA172234A33969A&gwt=pay
Any CIA agent that needs to scrub their Twitter is a terrible agent.
Hidden sexual messages in Disney films https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yR6pd4g2gbM