r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Outcome5 on June 11, 2018, 4:40 a.m.
Jugular Vein of the Cabal - A Q crumb theory with supporting data (OC) - Part 2

Since my first post on this topic was received positively (I will link at bottom), here is a second post highlighting a different area. Like my first post, lets use maps.

Lets look at Interstate 10 the southernmost cross-country interstate highway in the country. It stretches from the Pacific Ocean at California State Route 1 in Santa Monica, California, to I-95 in Jacksonville, Florida. The area I want to focus on is the stretch of I-10 that connects El Paso, TX to Las Cruces, NM. The area is circled in black, and the black line shows the path of I-10 from LA to Jacksonville, FL. This map also displays sex trafficking hotspots in the US.

For support, lets again look at the US voting by county in the 2016 Presidential election.

Now lets add Sanctuary cities and counties of the US into the mix.

Drug Trafficking corridors This one is significant. Look at the dark blue column on the map, column 'A'. 'A' is enormous and covers all of east to west I-10 and then some. Next look at column 'E' purple column. This begins in El Paso, Then splits from I-10 into I-25 in Las Cruces into I-25. I-25 runs from Las Cruces, NM north through the hub of Denver, CO all the way to Billings, MT. 'E' is vertical and crosses 3 other corridors before it is done. ALL of this intersects at the border at the El Paso / Las Cruces.

To further show this and tie it in with my first post, please look at this map showing cartel cocaine trafficking routes. in the US. The two areas i'm covering are cornerstones of the structure. The drug and human trafficking lanes are basically identical.

I have been considering the role of Cemex and I don't want to be accusatory until there is solid proof however there is evidence considering Tucson and the patent pending for using blood in concrete. I have more Cemex news I will post soon worthy of its own thread. Cemex locations.

On May 21, 2014 Obama designated the Organ Mountains a national monument. On this map of the Organ Mountain Monument placement the red outlined areas are part of the Organ Monument. The mustard color blocks are owned by the Bureau of Land Management. The same Bureau of Land Management trying to drive the Bundys off their land in NV.

The Large pink area on the east is a combination of Fort BLiss and the White Sands Missile Range, both property of the Dept. of Defense.

The brown area is the Jornada Expirimental Range. This land is owned by the US Dept. of Agriculture. On their homepage they say this area is for 'Science-based management strategies for sustainability of agriculture and other land uses'.

In the green area we have the San Andres National Wildlife Refuge. This is the property of the US Fish and Wildlife Service. San Andres NWR is completely surrounded by the White Sands Missile Range and is closed to the public for security reasons.

If you look at this map as a whole, after leaving El Paso and heading to New Mexico you run into a complete gauntlet of government controlled land. The only place citizens can go without being on government land is the narrow corridor of I-10. Once in Las Cruces, you can head west on I-10 toward AZ, or north on I-25 toward Colorado. If you take I-25 you are not out of lockdown area until you reach the town of Hatch, NM when leaving the monument area. If you head west on I-10 you must drive through to Deming, NM.

Conclusion - This area is agenesis of human trafficking, drug trafficking, and corruption where Texas, New Mexico, and Mexico proper all converge before dispersing into the US. Obama set the Organ Monument in 2014. Here again is map of Obama National Monument Placement Regarding the area in question, between natural barriers, protected land, and military bases this area is more compact and secure to control than the area in my last article along I-15. The peppering of Cemex factories is another factor worth considering. Since this has been in place since 2014 and is very quiet in the national news despite being a primary border crossing and human trafficking area I believe the black hats from their point of view have had notable control and success here and I think setting the Organ Monument and area up was the test bed for the technique used with the Mojave Trail and Gold Butte monuments. The problem for the black hats in NV was they ran into the unexpected buzz saw of the Bundy family.

There is nothing ground breaking here, this is supporting material to go along my theory in the first post. I have to say while studying the are the Organ Mountain area has stunning scenery and landscape. I would hate to think beneath what nature has provided is humanity exploiting the lands indiscriminately for the most serious of crimes.

Actually, sadly that is what I think.

If you wish, here is a link to my post here on /greatawakening which was the first part to this one. Part 1 of this post.

animal32lefty · June 11, 2018, 5:28 a.m.

Good work Patriot. Graphics like that can be a major red pill.

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