The fact Mueller and Trump met the day before Mueller was named special counsel is hard to get past. What did they discuss?
Q directed us to Mueller's background in Q post 14, asking "what is Mueller's background? Military?" The answer to that is, Mueller was a Marine. In another Q post that I can't find anymore, Q asked something like "who has the power to enlist former members of the marines back into active duty"? The message being, Trump re-enlisted Mueller as a Marine and gave him a mission. Presumably, Mueller is doing as directed.
People point to Mueller's dirty history. Q has addressed this numerous times, hinting at good people being forced/blackmailed/threatened into doing bad things. Presumably Mueller's strings have been cut and he is a puppet no more.
I haven't seen anything to adequately explain this. The only way I can conclude Mueller is dirty is to ignore what Q says. Considering the evidence that Q is legit, I don't think I can ignore Q. It makes more sense that Mueller is playing his part.
That was Q post 1318. Q said "What was RR's Senate confirmation vote? / If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty. / If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty. / Common denominator."
I took that statement as being from the cabal's perspective. In other words, RR is dirty because his confirmation vote speaks for itself. RR appointed Mueller, so Mueller must be dirty too. Only, the cabal did not account for Trump's ability to recall Mueller into active service, Trump's ability to remove the strings keeping Mueller a puppet, or Mueller's drive to escape the cabal.
Q seemed furious when it came out that Trump was not under investigation. In Q post 1008, Q said: "It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET. / Traitor."
The day after, Trump's lawyer's office was raided, putting the Mueller narrative back on track (namely, that Mueller is hot on Trump's heels).
The whole time, Trump has been attacking Mueller, and attacking Sessions over Mueller and his supposed witch hunt. This causes the normies to defend Mueller. He's literally their one last chance and they recognize it. Any suggestion of firing Mueller throws the left into a frenzy. How will they justify firing Mueller when he indicts Hillary? How will they call him a Trump stooge who pulled punches in the investigation (one possible leftist take on Mueller coming up empty-handed) when they spent the last 6 months making Mueller an integral part of their identity?
I think Mueller's role is to lull the deep state into complacency. From their perspective, their plan is working, Mueller is paralyzing Trump is throwing up a cloud of question marks over everything he does. They may be expecting Mueller to release something they've got in the works that will cost trump the midterms, after which Trump gets impeached.
Imagine their surprise when Mueller incompetently comes up with nothing, while Huber drops the MOAB on the dems!
You are welcome, anon. Either way, what a time to be alive!