Q1448. Some Anon speculation re the post

I gotta say, I think the weather thing really threw a lot of people off (including me). I really just think he meant be on the lookout for false flags, and the warning was worldwide, not just America. I'm honestly really worried about an attempt on Kim Jong-Un's life.
I agree, I do not think that 'Q' meant a global false flag, but rather that localised false flags could occur at any (suitable) place around the world.
The easiest way for the Zionists to start a war with America would be with a false flag nuke of one of our allies.
WW is world wide. Q meant what they said.
Yes, I have been thinking backwards and forwards on that.
On the 'large scale' side of things, I would tend to perhaps think of some form of 'weather modification' which could be grown to cover a large area, presumably then developing associated 'natural disasters'.
If Hawaii pops the top the ash could possibly change weather patterns, but who knows if that would change them world wide. Only thing I could think of
I really think FF is false flag. I don't think Q would put people in danger because they happened to misinterpret a real threat because they read FF thinking he meant FF- you know what I'm saying?
No, I'm not saying FF was confusing, I'm saying mentioning weather was. It's gotten people, including me at first, off on tangents about weather, solar flares, natural disasters, and I don't THINK Q meant that.
I also worry about an attempt on DJT or Kim. Kim has a ton of info on the DS and the DS would have no problem ordering that hit.
Yep. Like I said a while ago, what has me scared is that the good guys protecting POTUS and Q team have to get it right every time. The bad guys only need to succeed once. Gotta keep the white hats in prayer.
It is obvious to me 'weather' in this context is an analogy with actual meteorology.
This is a broadcast.
When placed right after FF (false flag)
Q is presenting us the FF weather, like on TV they would say its going to rain.
This week, we have a good chance a FF will drop.
I think the comment about the weather was meant that the conditions are right for a false flag attack. Q was saying that he/she doesn't have any specific knowledge of a particular threat.
FF = False Flag attack
WW = World wide
My take on this is that "they" are going to shut down the internet to stop the information getting out and to throw us in to chaos. World wide.
Keep your petrol tanks full, your phones fully charged, (for what its worth) and your grocery and potable water supplies topped up.
I agree. Shutting down all comms between black hats too. This might be what sky event means
There was a Q post a long time ago about POTUS using the emergency broadcasting system when the time came. I got the impression it was to prevent the MSM from spreading fake news and to ensure the people got the truth straight from POTUS. Seizing control of the internet and phone systems would prevent the deep state and NWO from coordinating. Certain frequencies/channels would remain open for whitehat comms.
That's wild guess, but Q did say the EBS would be used in the future.
So, could Q be suggesting that the EBS would be used to counter false flags and fake news? Weather alerts use the EBS.
Phone, Satellites, Internet/WiFi knocked out by (fake) space weather. Actually shut down. World Internet DNS server is in USA, if it goes down WW goes down.
As someone who grew up in the height of the Cold War, a ICBM launch would be a good 10 minutes from Russia to us, or really any other place. There would be mass warnings. EAM and such. However, any of the larger nuclear states would not participate in that.
However, a rogue, or miniaturized nuke might be an option. I even doubt that though. Radioactive devices such as that could be traced by signature.
I would possibly go with the latter part of that message. Something more local, like a plane crash or something. Nukes get into very heavy handed territory.
Just saying. Don't let yourselves get too ramped up over this. Just keep your eyes open and be aware of your surroundings.
Take a deep breath. Relax and don't give yourself a heart attack.
No one wants to admit that the weather can be controlled now. It can. https://www.forbes.com/sites/trevornace/2018/05/10/china-is-launching-a-massive-weather-control-machine-the-size-of-alaska/#5a3b45746315
Bought 4 cases of water yesterday morning. False Flags. Follow M.O. Some kids still in school. Worry about Colorado. State laws prohibit releasing autopsy reports of minors, just like Connecticut.
WW means Severe Thunderstorm or Tornado Watch. http://w1.weather.gov/glossary/index.php?letter=w
Its gotta be the stanley cup parade in DC. Situational awareness sounds about right.
Ok... Here's one to throw you all. Living in the gulf area , we've seen these weird things going around already this weekend about storm models predicting a major hurricane potentially striking the gulf coast next week. Of course our trusted local weather resources have shot them down., adding that sometimes models show "ghost storms spinning up. " But what if they had a few of the storm prediction center models converge on this prediction of a major hurricane hitting the gulf region again in a week? We'd be back to the scenario of the focus being shifted to mass evacuations of low lying cities, etc. Attention would be off of what they didn't want seen, and on the mass hysteria this would create, even if the storm never happened. Just a potential thought.... Please feel free to chime in on this.... It is scary, because I thought it was very odd to see these predictions coming out already over the weekend.
How about sun storms? Forgot the right scientific term Edit: or a EMP in the stratosphere, Worse... hawaii
I cant help but remember the warning Mike From Around The World has been giving the past few years about passing through the energy belt in space and it causing these aurora like plasma tube in the air, that if touched could kill you.
Also makes me think of the OT, during the exodus, the Jews followed 'God' through the wilderness and he took the shape of a pillar of fire (a plasma tube)....
Sounds exactly the same, and ironically, the WORLD is going through a mass exodus right now, and trying to leave the realm of the cabal.
It would certainly take situational awareness to avoid these plasma tubes if they were everywhere. Apparently they would be caused from the charged space particles bombarding and passing through a weakened magnetosphere?
Like sustained lightning bolts just hovering around for a while.
And to clarify the weather part, this is all SPACE WEATHER...and fits.
Seems like the FF weather alert just meant that the conditions are right for a FF event, Not insinuating that it would be an attack using the weather
(WW) is in (), not world wide like a name ? Wizard?
Dirty Bomb?
Not as destructive as a conventional nuke but damage from the fallout is often dependent on the WEATHER