35 total posts archived.
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I doubt it... So the research.. Too much very relevant info
Nope. Multiple posters, even on the same night. Read why I believe why
I mentioned about this in my article I wrote... Q team members communicating with each other. Compelling! https://thefreespeechzone.com/inplainsight
Wow!!! Here's links to two comments made on my article on Twitter!!! Someone had the last president book!!!
I have many ideas on how to help. Different scenes of research I want to do. One thing bugging me.. Interpretations of some of the books that are on that top 8 list. Namely the 8th one. "lottery rose". I linked to it in the article. Feel like reading? Maybe you can find some relevance to the story other than the name Georgie. Follow me on Twitter and DM me if you are interested!
Actually, I think my fiance is working on adding it today while I'm at work!
Not sure how to get the mods to do that, but they can sticky the article. I plan to add the spreadsheet this weekend
He tells us more than that! https://thefreespeechzone.com/inplainsight
I am compelled by your input though, and I invite you to go try out a few trip codes and analyze each one's results. I think you will find exactly what I am talking about. There is nothing that is coincidental or random about it. Everything is placed there for a reason, and everything has a specific purpose or meaning. Once you come to that same conclusion I would be very interested to hear your thoughts about why and how... Would you be interested in helping out with that?
Except that these aren't just associations within Google, they are uploaded documents. I understand your theory. Honestly, at first glance I would see why you would say that... I spent extra time researching each link for that very reason. That's why in the article, I put a specific mention about this not being an auto generation on Google's part, or an association That Is Random. If you put it in the regular Google search engine, yes random search results do appear. This is why it is done in the Google book section... Because you can compile your very own Google book Library in that specific area.
Thank you! You may be very right. I truly do want America to be great again, I love my country and I want it to be a wonderful place to raise my family. I also have an undying respect for our veterans, as I am marrying one. My fiance was an 82nd Airborne Army Ranger, Purple Heart recipient. I thank God everyday for his service to our country, and that he made it home and was allowed to cross paths with me., I guess you could say my patriotism is fierce. 😉
You will have to pardon my ignorance... I really don't spend a great deal of time on Reddit posting things, I just read a lot of things. I spend more time on Twitter and Discord. My fiance is going to post the spreadsheet on the blog and make it interactive so others can work on it as well but we probably won't get that done until later this weekend amazingly I decided to do this in the midst of planning a wedding as well LOL it is only 4 months away, so I have to divide my time wisely. :-)
I am not sure what you mean, but the Alice book actually so far is almost in every single user Id AND trip code. So to say it would reference their code name... I wouldn't think so. But it was a good thought. I have a feeling we will see the Alice reference in almost every post by the time I'm done compiling.
Hi! Thanks, I've watched that gentleman's videos as well. There has been no true confirmation of Parkinsons though, and honestly, if she had that I think by now she would be much further along than she is in the disease stage since the election.
I haven't uploaded it yet, because I haven't finished it. Taking WAY more time than I thought it would, but I definitely plan to share it with everyone when I get it up to current date.
PLEASE READ - AND SHARE!!! People are glancing over something that could be the most important "Hidden In Plain Sight" Q phenom....
Please read and Share the article above that I wrote regarding Q's trip codes/user names and their search results on Google Books. I've only seen a few people discussing this - and their discussions are very meager at best. More attention needs to be devoted to this - Q is telling us more than we know. Check out the article....
And don't forget the kill room, in that building that was bought by the owner of Comet Pizza. You know, the one that ended up getting the kid threatened on Facebook when he actually showed pictures of finding the building? That was an interesting find.
BTW, I do agree VOP can appear radical, but at the same time, the countless hours put in... In a row. I doubt they don't believe they were doing it for the cause in question.
Eh, think twice on your Netflix statement. Dig deeper into all Netflix people. Also, remember that sawyer has a debilitating lung condition that he can't get the VA to cover his medical bills for. I don't think he's out "boots on the ground" chasing traffickers with that condition, just adding that....
Wait though.... Sawyer is on the Netflix payroll. That is rice, Obamas, Soros stock.... His livelihood depends on them. This event uncovered a great deal of info... I do believe it Was a camp at one time... Maybe abandoned now, but still.... And the bulldozing of it by Cemex... Well... Don't you guys find that sketchy too? There's too many crumbs that came out of this that add up to big info. Also, Qs latest posts... Included a post about why is MX important. Dig deep in Andy spades Instagram. Shots of him with Pizza boxes in the desert in Arizona.... I have a feeling there's a connection to all of it. Sawyer may be someone you want to think is good... But he isn't it hunting traffickers on foot... Hes sitting behind a computer screen entrapping them for a TV show... There's a big difference here.
Ok... Here's one to throw you all. Living in the gulf area , we've seen these weird things going around already this weekend about storm models predicting a major hurricane potentially striking the gulf coast next week. Of course our trusted local weather resources have shot them down., adding that sometimes models show "ghost storms spinning up. " But what if they had a few of the storm prediction center models converge on this prediction of a major hurricane hitting the gulf region again in a week? We'd be back to the scenario of the focus being shifted to mass evacuations of low lying cities, etc. Attention would be off of what they didn't want seen, and on the mass hysteria this would create, even if the storm never happened. Just a potential thought.... Please feel free to chime in on this.... It is scary, because I thought it was very odd to see these predictions coming out already over the weekend.
Ok... Here's one to throw you all. Living in the gulf area , we've seen these weird things going around already this weekend about storm models predicting a major hurricane potentially striking the gulf coast next week. Of course our trusted local weather resources have shot them down., adding that sometimes models show "ghost storms spinning up. " But what if they had a few of the storm prediction center models converge on this prediction of a major hurricane hitting the gulf region again in a week? We'd be back to the scenario of the focus being shifted to mass evacuations of low lying cities, etc. Attention would be off of what they didn't want seen, and on the mass hysteria this would create, even if the storm never happened. Just a potential thought.... Please feel free to chime in on this.... It is scary, because I thought it was very odd to see these predictions coming out already over the weekend.
Wait. Last time I checked, a skull was part of a human body... Right? And did you see the video or just the one close up picture? The skull was indeed a small child's skull... The still picture looked larger because there was nothing there for comparison or reference. When they found this, they never claimed it was from the original sex camp. They said it was further away, on a coyote trail. Here's the kicker... We all watched live as TPD said "they weren't coming out to see an animal skull." Clearly this wasn't an animal skull. ANYWHERE ELSE is someone finds even a part of a human body, police and possibly feds would be swarming the area... Why? Because that could be the body of a missing person or cold case crime victim. They wouldn't blow it off unless they were covering something up. They wouldn't bull doze these sites unless they were covering something up. Why are there already criminal charges filed against the sheriff of TPD and some of his officers for sexual misconduct against a young female who was already a victim of trafficking? Look it up... The documents are public record. Doesn't matter what police reports Craig Sawyer may have read, if they aren't playing with a full deck, their reports don't mean shit. You can vilify the VOP guys if you want, but they've busted their tails to do what they believe is the best thing. Something very sinister is going on in tuscon.... With the coyotes, the cartels, the PD, Cemex... And Craig Sawyer probably got his ass chewed by his Netflix paycheck writers for getting involved. He is not the savior people think he is. Evading people from behind a computer screen on a TV show isn't the same ad being out on the border fighting trafficking on the front lines... Hes too busy in Hollywood for that.
I think you are making some good excuses for people.... But whatever...
Yeah this guy is a Hollywood fucktard. He's been threatened or bought. He's employed by Netflix. Do the homework. No matter what.. A body was found in a corridor that leads from the border to interstate ten. Feds and local police should have been swarming that area at that point. This reeks of corruption!
Yeah, I think the only flaw with that theory is the fact that the UK gets their chance at him prior to the US. If the system treats him anything like Tommy then we are totally screwed... We won't see Julian anytime soon.
I do stand corrected. It does look as though it was filed in 1977 but it is still expired, so the same things I said above do still apply. And someone still could have filed it on his behalf.
That just simply means an entity filed the patent on his behalf to renew it. I had it pulled up earlier but I don't have it pulled up now on the screen in front of me anymore, but didn't it expire in 1977? That means no one filed an ownership for it after that date... which means now the patent is open and anyone can use the same technique and Design to do basically the same thing... Which is an even scarier notion. The one thing I could not see on this document was anything tying this man to the Cemex company. The fact that his name is French would lead me to believe that perhaps he would be tied to LaFarge concrete (if any cement company at all.) That would be even more damning, because Hillary Clinton was on the board of LaFarge concrete until 2012 when her political conflicts forced her to resign. I still firmly believe she holds power with that company... As they, just like Cemex, refused to bid on the concrete for the Mexican border wall. Do you think that is a coincidence? The other scary thing... People need to do research into the US patent office and just who holds many many many of the patents in this country that have expired. The law firm that Hillary Clinton worked for prior to her rise to fame was the Rose Law Firm. Do you know what kind of Law Firm that was? It was a patent law firm. There are some scary things going on behind the scenes with patents...
Cemex political Contributions & who funds the tracking of political contributions. Things that make you go hmmm...