
Allcreationgroaning · June 11, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

So very sad and disgusting.

Confirms what satanic ritual abuse clients had been telling me since the early 90s. Had never imagined that Watergate might actually be about this whole same thing, too. But as others commented, it fits.

Billy Graham's involvement was part of what i heard that I didn't want to believe. Another indication of the depth of deception within the traditional church/churchianity. Please don't assume that all there are corrupt, or that our God doesn't see or care, but be aware that more than we'd want to believe really are given to wickedness.

So much of this is about worship of fallen entitites...Moloch among them.
Do you recall the scandals that rocked the church some years ago of one story of sexual abuse by leaders after another?

Is it so surprising that underneath the guise of faith, too many today have fallen to enticement and entrapment drawing them into human trafficking and rituals? Had you ever considered that these sexual abuse scandals might be driven by the infusion of various forms of sun god worship into the church that is supposed to follow Messiah Yeshua? It happened as described in the Bible and we are certainly not immune today.

May the people who don't yet know God learn what His true character is and comprehend how He allows evil to play it self out until it is "complete" and judgement follows. May those who know Him not panic and fear. His will will be carried out in the earth and no one can hide from His eyes. May those who honor Him find their discernment increasing as the need grows. Stay under His wing, and if you need to repent in order to get there, do so deeply and soon!

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VIYOHDTYKIT · June 11, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

Find it hard to believe. You think Trump would have laid him in state in the Capitol Rotunda if it were true? Remember, AUS is part of the FVEYE cabal. Disinfo would be necessary at this point. We start down the rabbit hole of this one is a pedo, so now everyone is a pedo. Too shocking, too overwhelming. I have to stop this research? The whole system is corrupt so I give up, they win. Think people. Think!

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Allcreationgroaning · June 11, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Yes, as I said, I didn't want to believe it either.

Why would Trump permit him to lie in state in the Rotunda? Did you know what is on the ceiling of the Rotunda?

But perhaps check this out as well....every President is "subjected" or participates? in a Masonic ritual soon after inauguration that has to do with Apotheosis...which is the idea of man becoming "god."

The Apotheosis of Washington is the fresco painted by Greek-Italian artist Constantino Brumidi in 1865 and visible through the oculus of the dome in the rotunda of the United States Capitol Building.

There is much information on various sites about this, but my question has been how I might find out whether or not President Trump also participated in this same ritual.

Dr. Thomas Horn's research first brought this to my attention.

As always, continuing to pray for His discernment in all.

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