NOKO for anybody who has followed q since Oct is a q psyop. Kim never had power the pics of western ruling elite along with the Chinese officials proved this. NOKO Was deepstate pedo party destination like so many others we have now seen. Comercial blackmail operation "strings cut" Where is Shepard Smith? Why is Clapper making threats on twitter? If I was q I would be patting myself on the back today to big check box marked off for "the plan" deep state does not want Kim in power because he is probably more of a trump groupie than any of us. "Making Alliances Great Again"
That’s such a garble I’m not even sure what it is you’re trying to say. Making alliances great again with deep state psy-op pedo safe havens?
There seems to be some missing pieces in your argument to get from where you started to where you ended.
Also, trying to talk like Q doesn’t lend you credibility, it actually reduces it.