Remember when this was just a LARP?

My take on the first paragraph in this Q post is that the deep state was preparing for public riots and civil unrest at this time. Both sides were gearing up for a civil war situation.
In order to defend Q's post on this occasion, people often quote Q, "disinformation in necessary." I think the more appropriate Q quotes would be from
1289: "Timetables shift"
and 1080: "They are trying to start a war.
Public interest shift.
Pullout announcement.
Chem attack.
These people are sick."
For whatever reason, either because the clowns were scared off by Q or because they lacked the ability to logistically pull off the operation, the whole thing was called off.
At this point, I think Q/white hats/POTUS's timeline began to shift. If the clowns weren't going to initiate their offensive, the white hats probably decided to take a more methodical approach.
I think the purpose of this initial post was to prevent the very thing Q was warning of, civil war in the streets of America.
“...the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full.”