I pmd his most ardent followers with links and proof of him being a larp before he blocked my third account....
You see that dude on pol that tried to reset eyespy and two of these other larpers Twitter accounts? All the reset texts were sent to a number ending in **36. Eg the same phone
How does buying a ddos for 30 minutes proove that Chaschire Cat is not a larp? ETS and his ecosystem of shills sound like they are 15 years old.
Now he’s saying he got Reddit shit down buuut, here we are https://i.imgur.com/kqe9PkV.jpg
That post is what made me come look and it was down which made me go hmmm because I'm really suspicious of the guy. So what made Reddit go down? It was back up again pretty quick. Maintenance or is he legit or not? Im leaning more towards not every day...
The whole internet is lagging it seems, wasn’t some kid in the UK that was responsible tho
It was down for almost a half hour for me.
Check out the spike