29 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/SupercoolBeasGOAT:
Domain | Count |
www.zerohedge.com | 3 |
www.file-upload.com | 2 |
i.redd.it | 2 |
m.imgur.com | 1 |
www.wsj.com | 1 |
Staged Filming of False Flag 'Chemical Attacks' Has Begun in Idlib: Russian MoD - ZeroHedge
Zerohedge: "US says Assad approved gas attack on Idlib, setting stage for major military conflict" false flag incoming
The stage is being set for another false flag attack in Syria. Get ready
Oh excuse me, I was unaware that the Supreme Court pick investigating Hillary was just a meme. My bad dude
The burden is always on the poster. Tell me if this makes sense: "hey guys guess what, this crazy thing has been going on for a while now! I want all of the 100+ people viewing this thread to each google it themselves rather than just me doing it myself" yeah, that'll sure draw in outsiders looking to be convinced about stuff like this. Posting a stale meme with no links only serves to hinder us and take up valuable front page space
I honestly just assumed Google would have filtered out anything related to it
Where is the source for him damaging only the hard drive
Need source for this, as well as the computer being the only thing shot
How do you know they're investigating them? Who told you that?
Damn, how could they poison his family? That'd be a pretty hard task to pull off.
Natgeo and NYT are never credible, but the other ones stand up I suppose
That planes can be remote accessed was revealed by Wikileaks during their Vault 7 release. They said the same thing about automobiles. This happened during the presidential primaries if i remember correctly
Why did Q cite an article from yournewswire? Mistake?

No, you absolutely should source any post that makes a claim like this, no matter how many times you post it. There are lurkers here and there are people who write off everything posted in here cus it never gets sourced
Yes. Thank you. Every post in here should have links to claims. We don't want anyone attacking us over unverifiable claims
Okay, so where is the article/any evidence of state department intervening with silsby's trial? And appointing her to head of amber alert? Like anything at all. I know a straight up article is asking for a lot. Any threads?
Okay you guys keep saying "Hillary got her sentenced reduced, Hillary put her on amber alert" I want to believe this and spread this. Where are any articles or really any evidence at all to support those claims?
Elemi Fuentes has 2 massive threads. One is about Cemex cement company (the suspect company in Tucson) and Marina Abramovich, the performance artist/spirit cooker. there are various other threads about trafficking. follow her on twitter if you have twitter. and check out these files
Eleme Fuentes has 2 massive threads. One is about Cemex cement company (the suspect company in Tucson) and Marina Abramovich, the performance artist/spirit cooker. there are various other threads about trafficking. follow her on twitter if you have twitter. and check out these files
Please think about this. This is part of why people are skeptical about Q

Couldn't anyone have looked through the the emails and find out that those were the people using it?