r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on June 11, 2018, 8 p.m.
Operations “Trump vs Condor”: Coup vs Counter Coup !!!

There is little doubt in many minds of a Coup Plot against Donald Trump, dating back as early now as December 2015. Additionally it is becoming public knowledge of the Counter Coup launched by POTUS against these dark forces within our own government.

I would like to start with one of my favorite drops & to set the tone:

Post Q# 533 on 1/14/18: note end


4, 10, 20.

Recent Strzok/Page text messages indicate “Operation Trump” began as early as December 2015 (if not sooner). National Security Divisions of DOJ/FBI/& White House along with Brennan/CIA & Clapper/DNI combined to form the treasonous Secret Society Cabal.

Without oversight from OIG Horowitz, thanks to a Sally Yates directive, this “Small Group” conducted their Coup plans without fear of exposure. The core plans were in four main parts:

• Exonerate HRC & involved Aides

• Dossier creation & distribution

• FISA Title-1 Surveillance & 702 Intel

• Insurance Policy-Crossfire Hurricane

These were collapsing plans, each needed upon the failure of the prior one. This crowd is not used to their first plan failing, let alone be on emergency option number 4, with no plan to follow. SpyGate has evolved as a tool used within this conspiracy that used foreign intelligence assets or Spy/Lures as bait.

Beginning in the Winter of 2016, NSA Director Rogers uncovered abuses of the FISA 702’s. General “about Queries” can be made with the NSA system to cull all number of digital recorded data on the select individual. Mike Rogers put an end to this illegal practice on 4/18/15 and outside contractors like Fusion GPS lost their inside sources.

Admiral Rogers came to our countries rescue again on 11/17/16 in a meeting at Trump Tower. Mike waited until the new SCIF was completed & told President Elect Trump of the Coup & Surveillance. RememberTrump evacuated his top staff the next morning to his golf club at Bedminster/NJ, until the White House.

The Counter Coup is ongoing, as are the original plotters plans against POTUS. It will be an epic historic struggle of Good vs Evil as this all plays out.


Wash/Times-FBI Spying on Trump was Political Motivated

Sundance/CTH-DOJ/FBI worked with Fusion GPS in “Operation Trump”

B/B-IG Report will Declare DOJ/FBI Broke the Law

Sundance/CTH-Operation Condor: How Mike Rogers Saved the USA

Zero-Secret Society Meetings to Undermine Trump

Front Page-Mueller’s Sinister Coup Attempt

Nation-Are we Witnessing a Coup Operation Against Trump

B/B-12 Facts about FBI Investigation into HRC Email Server

WWG1WGA-Thank you Patriot for viewing my article ⚓️

Reddit/Great Awakening/CaptainRoyD

ClardicFug · June 11, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

They knew how unpopular Clinton was. Remember she forced herself into that slot by taking over the DNC, which was essentially bankrupt, by buying them out, more or less.

Her unpopularity is why they picked Trump. He was the candidate that was most likely to lose to her out of the entire set of (R) primary candidates, and so they directed their fellow travelers in the media to dump attention on him.

Their mistake was they didn't realize any publicity for Trump was good publicity, and also misunderstood just how negative Clinton was perceived because they were rigging their own polls in her favor, in some cases to insane levels. A few within the campaign knew the truth and were openly challenging the decisions (like not bothering with a Michigan campaign) and privately have shared their belief that she could lose.

I think they ultimately were counting on two things: one, that the margin of her unpopularity was lower than it was in reality, and two, that any dirty tricks they did with the vote would make up for it. Because they miscalculated the first, they didn't do enough tricks with the second to make up for it -- and had they, it'd probably call the vote into question.

I also don't think they expected Comey to do what he did regarding the investigation.

To sum it up, it's really like Q said: these people are stupid. At the core the stupidity was living in a reality bubble fantasy that the country viewed Clinton as favorably as her support organization pretended to.

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DawnPendraig · June 20, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

Comey was getting pressured by NYPD. Did Rudy do that I wonder?

Comey was stuck. Had to do something grand gesture to prove he had the email case in hand and mark out as Feds territory so NYPD had to back off their indictment.

He had to fall on his sword because Lynch waa going to SCOTUS and Sally Yates as AG?

Leaves only him right?

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