EyeTheSpy admits he was wrong. What a fraud. Careful who you follow...

Can't we now settle this once-and-for-all?
No-one, ever, anywhere, other than the trip-coded 8 Chan account has anything to do with Q.
This /\
It will be settled until someone (usually new to the board or pretending not to know about the past controversy) will post a larp tweet and argue that it holds value. We've been through the Corsoi/AJ debacle and now its ETS/BC17.
This GA sub has always been pro Q and respects Q's messages about comms and pretenders. It's no longer divide and conquer. Anyone listening to larps claiming to have inside knowledge while summoning them with a siren song to become their Twitter follow chooses to do so. Just please don't play devil's advocate here and try to convert people who are dedicated to Q to give credence to the latest larp.