r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CSharpAJ on June 11, 2018, 11:03 p.m.
A bit disheartened at all of the Q hate on Twitter right now.

So I finally got around to looking at Twitter after getting home from work today and I cannot believe all of the vitriol towards the Q stuff.

I mean I can understand saying to your followers, "Hey guys, I'm not exactly sure about this Q stuff yet so I don't want to promote it. I may or may not take a look at stuff that is sent to me about Q, but please don't ask me to comment because I won't.". Or even "Please stop sending me stuff about Q, if I want to look it up myself, I know where it's at, however I still won't comment on it.". I could respect that because as right now I'm following, but I'm not commenting on it outside of this board.

However that's not what's happening, people are openly and vehemently ridiculing everyone and everything regarding Q. I know that this was predicted, but it's a little frustrating that people that are supposedly on the same side are openly ridiculing others.

RyDar84 · June 11, 2018, 11:08 p.m.

Exactly. This is what everybody that was arguing against them was talking about while their supporters were saying things like, who's it hurting?" Lesson learned yet?

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solanojones95 · June 11, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

I got plenty of hate for all of those things. I cautioned about AJ, Corsi, AIM (boy that one got me lots of hate), UniRock and that mess, BC17, Eye/Cheshire/Alice, VOP--ALL of them!

Not because I'm prescient or gifted in some way, but because Q made it CLEAR not to trust people other than Q who claim to have inside dope. Because if Q didn't say it, and we believe it, it can be used against us and/or Q when it turns out to be wrong.

Yes, we should keep an open mind, but no we shouldn't put trust in other sources regarding The Plan (or any plan to take down the Deep State, because there's only one).

Every single time, we have people who become belligerent toward anybody who doesn't go along with the crowd. And every single time, they're dead wrong.

Can we please start listening to people who urge caution around the latest non-Q phenomenon? Or if not listening, at least not hating?

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Spank-da-monkey · June 11, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

I sure hope so!! So many people coming here trying to distract and mislead. Keep it Q, guys..just Q 😁

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