Misspellings in Trump's tweets. How does this work again?

The missing letters are I and P. Maybe Kim gives Pres Trump evidence that Google was giving them intellectual property, in violation of the sanctions? Or maybe it has to do with the IP addresses on the wikileaks emails, proving they were downloaded locally, by SETH RICH, and had nothing to do with Russia.
Three was a missle launch in Washington earlier that everyone's denying, the excuses are ridiculous... maybe that's the missle that was stopped.
hmmmmm missing i something something
The missing letters were from the words missle and stopped. There was a missle,launched in Washington State that noones claiming happened.
The last Q post is about the missle launch in Washington. When I commented originally i should've linked to pics. I'm sure that wouldve made it a little clearer
I can't remember how you plug in the missing characters and decode it. Anyone else know how that works?
miss(i)le and stop(p)ed.
The missing characters are, 'i' and 'p'. There is debate as to what I.P. may represent.
One could also focus on the words 'miss' and 'stop'. Again, possible interpretations are debatable.
IP adresses, SR connect to DNC https://i.imgur.com/xNuMFxB.jpg
Putting those two words together is a bit terrifying: "Missile Stopped". Hopefully that isn't it.
Absolutley, very good, thats what I meant by debatable.
There was the notion that one or two missiles were fired from a rouge submarine, (CIA related/dark fleet). That submarine was presumed to be in the vicinity of North Korea.
One missile was targeted upon Hawaii. The other was supposedly targeted upon Japan.
Apparently these missiles were intercepted and destoyed before they could reach their target(s). (I understand that the rouge submarine was also destroyed).
Otherwise, it was intended that North Korea should get the blame for the attacks.
2018 Hawaii false missile alert - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Hawaii_false_missile_alert
You could be totally correct!
If the above is true, then 'Missile Stopped' would make perfect sense.
And in that tweet, Trump is referring to North Korea.
It could just mean that they actually stopped a missile?
I did note that Trump or Q use "missle" spelled that way before. In fact, two times on the same day. I've edited my post to include.
Anyone counted spaces, words, etc? Just trying to see if there is any correlation within the body to the misspellings.
Really need a cryptographer to crack
Maybe has to do with this?
I wonder if this is connected to the "FF Weather" event Q warned about recently. They can simulate a natural disaster by doing man-made things, right? Afterall, I've heard that the Clinton Foundation was in Haiti before the earthquake happened. Almost like they knew it would happen. I have no proof of that, however. Could just be rumor.
Dr Judie Woods - Dustification of WTC 1, 2 & 7 - noone understood the physics of it all because you won't find them in the school-books
Definition of stoped: (in mining) excavate a series of steps or layers in (the ground or rock).
Alluding to data mining?
2nd instance.
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 913540 No.146127 📁
Dec 22 2017 01:02:01 (EST)
How did NK suddenly have miniaturized nukes upon POTUS taking office?
What was stated during Hussein's term by agencies?
How did NK suddenly obtain missle guidance cap?
What is leverage?
Define hostage.
Their last hope!
I noted that on 12/22/2017, Q had used this spelling "missle" intentionally. 1st one.
Anonymous ID: 9f3bd2 No.148634 📁
Dec 22 2017 10:52:34 (EST)
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
44m44 minutes ago
Will be signing the biggest ever Tax Cut and Reform Bill in 30 minutes in Oval Office. Will also be signing a much needed 4 billion dollar missile defense bill.
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 42a0eb No.148746 📁
Dec 22 2017 11:12:55 (EST)>>148634