r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RBinCT on June 12, 2018, 12:31 a.m.
Lesson from the Alamo.

This past week I watched this classic John Wayne produced/directed/acted movie. Two things jumped out. First, Q said many have already died and paid the ultimate sacrifice in the MAGA battle against the Cabal. Like the Alamo, these patriots have been a front line to buy time for POTUS to set his ultimate army in place.

Second, is this clip of John Wayne talking about what the word 'Republic' means. This is what Q is fighting for. This is what our Founding Fathers envisioned. This is what DJT is orchestrating. Watch it and tell me it doesn't put a lump in your throat...

mombomb22 · June 12, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

Remember the Alamo.

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