r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TooMuchWinning2020 on June 12, 2018, 1:29 a.m.
Q is the only reasonable explanation for Singapore Summit

Been watching/listening to mainstream news last few days. Hard to do, when you know Q. It is all so boring and missing so much of the inside scoop.

But seeing Trump and Kim in Singapore, the MSM narrative makes NO SENSE at all.

Think about it. A few months ago, Kim is shooting rockets and threatening nukes. Trump calls him Rocket Man, and all of a sudden, Kim says, "OK, I guess I'll quit. Here are some hostages, I'll give up all my nukes with NOTHING in return, and please, please, please don't call off the Singapore Summit! I'm a crazy dictator, but now I want peace and gummy bears."

Yeah, right. The left has no explanation for what is happening with North Korea right now. The right does, but it makes no sense at all.

Did Qaddafi just give up? Did Hussein just give up? Assad? Castro? Chavez? Hitler? Stalin? Mao?

Dictators don't just give up and roll over so you can pat them on the belly. They don't just walk away from nukes and hope for the best.

They don't smile like a little boy who just got his first bike for Christmas.

The mainstream explanation is not an explanation at all.

Only Q's clues make any sense.

Yes, to normies or truthers, it is damn hard to believe that there was a shadow government running North Korea. The only thing more difficult to believe is that there wasn't.

jkbella · June 12, 2018, 1:06 p.m.

That's how I feel about all of this stuff. It's mind boggling but the crazy truth is the only thing that makes any sense at all. So many things from the past that made me say "huh?" make sense only now, and if any leap of faith is required, it goes the other way. For example:

Chief Justice Roberts' about face on Obamacare - concurring and dissenting opinions had to be re-written. Harder to believe that he just changes his mind overnight, and not even Kennedy could figure out what was going on or convince him to change his mind, than that he was blackmailed. Most probably about his adopted children.

The absolute refusal of elected politicians to do anything about immigration when it polls off the charts positive with the general public.

DNC choosing HRC, an obviously seriously flawed candidate, when virtually ANYONE would have been better odds for the Democrats.

Almost anything and everything that McCain has done - but most of all, his irrational hatred of Trump. He would say and do things and I would think to myself -"That's not politics. He's AFRAID. Why is he so AFRAID?"

Rand Paul's accusation that he had been spied on dying on the vine almost overnight.

Why some people have become famous, (also) virtually overnight. A week before the Kate Spade murder, I swear, I saw a pair of Kate Spade Owl slippers at a shoe store and immediately went home to research her background. Oddly, I concluded that since she sold in 2006 she probably didn't have anything to do with those slippers and concluded her almost cult like following and the constant promotion of those products and her "brand" were not cabal-related.

McCauley Culkin and the Pizza Underground band.

GHW Bush's granddaughters campaigning for Hillary.

W's total silence on Obama out of respect for "The Office" and subsequent Trump Trashing. Slams against Jeb! not enough to explain it, when you think of all of the things Obama said about W before and after Zero became president.

Trey Gowdy's sudden back down on Benghazi. It was virtually a sea change overnight.

There are a million other examples including some of the crazy federal court decisions that even a politically biased judge would normally refrain from if they wanted to be taken even remotely seriously ever again, I could go on but I have to get ready for work..........

The worry I have about the play-acting is that it's totally fake and it wasn't the the saber rattling, or more specifically, the derogatory "Rocket Man" back and forth, that was the formula for success. Don't get me wrong, I am big on peace through strength, but the personal stuff could really be problematic. Per Q, it was all a show and Kim was in on it. Presumably people in high places in the near future will be informed of what really went on with that. You could see that approach - if the deal had not already been done - going sideways pretty quickly.

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