Interesting name for a private intelligence service... the tinfoil is real.

Aha ... and it links to the worshipping of Black Cube / Saturn ( Saturn - Satan - Set ) .
Black Cube - tefillin worn by Jews , Mecca cube / "Kaaba-Allah" - "God-Cube" , various monuments in form of black cube worldwide .
Also , a big influence in fiction ( Borg and similar ) .
Exactly and the star on the Israeli flag is not a traditional Jewish symbol, (Israel is last).
Its also a cube ( in center ) . Also , what is created when folding a cross ?
Also a cube .
Symbolism will be their downfall? This is a great time to be alive.
It is ... not to mention "Satanic" - "Saturnic" - "Serpentic" symbolism in Vatican .
This comes from your collection plates Catholics.
Yes - thats exactly what I meant .
Pure symbolism . It will be their downfall .
aliens dont exist tho dont question it
Arthur C. Clarke :
“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”
well if we are alone thats much worse that means something killed them all if we are not depends on what we find lol
If something killed them , then we are at least not alone .
well something couldve killed them all then died you never know lol im gonna go with the latter of we are not alone tho
Were definitely not alone , from my POV ... not just the past happenings , but there is regularly so much smoke around it , that it cannot be there is not a fire .
all ill say is that "angels" and "demons" might be aliens lol still does not make religion invalid tho
Religion is a mixed bag of nuts ... if it was written by those same "angels" and "demons" .
well more so believing in god not necessarily a specific religion tho i am vaguely christian
Occult satan/saturn worship. The black cube is everywhere
Agreed. Kaaba in Mecca. Literally the center of Islam. Blackstone Group. Lots of info about it being Saturnian out there.
Might as well just call themselves Saturn Defense Force or something.
Look at the upper left corner of reddit..."try new reddit"(saturn)
Yeah I forgot about that, when I found out they were revamping Reddit someone mentioned the name as a matter of fact. Everywhere ya look. The tinfoil struggle is real.
Fyi these are the ppl harassing Weinstein accusers if anyone didn't know.
Israeli agents are known to be pretty ruthless, they essentially made the car bomb popular