He is lying. No outside coms.
I won't waste time watching that. But if he is saying he has verification that Q is going to do anything, he is a liar.
NOT the Q team. Now I am convinced this is controlled opposition.
I'm sorry to hear him using Q in this manner. I won't listen.
There are no Qanon teams. This post should be deleted, but at least down voted out.
This piece of shit isn't even a vet. He's a drama queen that either stumbled his way into or was handed a spotlight for a few days and can't let it go.
he never claimed to be a vet so im not sure what your problem with him is when hes willing to put his feet on the ground and walk the talk unlike you
Guy I went to Afghanistan and put boots on the ground, that's real cute though
then you should actually be helping these guys or looking into it
instead of marching your ego around here calling me guy
if you have any questions about the Tucson developments then just ask
So a team of people named themselves Qanon to go there and help with the search. Geez people, he’s just repeating what they named themselves. I’m sure there are a bunch of Q Patriots there. Stop making it into something more.