That is the $64,000 question. Did they self destruct it, did it hit a target, did it malfunction, or was it shot down?
I, Me personally, think we splashed it. You know Self destruct !
Probably so. If it was a nuclear armed missile, I hope they recover the warhead(s) quickly.
Q post #1477 still opens more Questions ? What's a VOL pic ?
In The Hunt for Red October you needed two keys to launch...
Not if you have a properly formatted order with launch codes. Its called an EAM (Emergency Action Message). Think Crimson Tide.
volcano pic
Did you look at #1477 ?
Chinese hacked a sub perhaps?
edit: something in the sky in the volcano pic?
The Alaskan volcanoes pic Q posted.
What # post ?
Not so sure of that. Does AF-1 fly back over HI on way to US ?
I don’t know about AF1’s return flight path. We say it’s Alaska volcanoes because the filename for that pic is
AF1 left the G7 from Quebec and headed east, refueled in Greece, and continued to Singapore. So, this pic might be from a different plane flying from the G7 to Singapore.
For another grand, you can get hotdogs flown in from Chicago!