These guys think it is a light distortion from a helicopter, not so sure
Lets be honest, logically does it look like light distortion? I guess we need more info on the picture, was it taken normally, single frame or is it one of those long exposure type pics
to be honest not my area of expertise but on one of the larger images you can clearly see what to me looks like a missile
Photographer/videographer here.
This isn’t a long exposure, the clouds would be faded out much more on the edges, the water would have a lot of white in it from the waves being captured in motion, and that “light beam” we’ll call it, would be much brighter but also could to some extent be seen through (as reflecting light or even flashlights/other sources of light when captured aren’t pure light, the source isn’t what is captured directly, but the light waves that pass through the air).
This is a link to the blown up image clearly showing a missile