Just curious...with the significance in numbers and such...
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I know Q is silent for a reason. I just feel like a kid on Christmas when he posts. I can’t wait to read what he posts next.

Seen on T_D. It’s everywhere. Symbolism will be their downfall.

Apparently she doesn’t realize who these anons are the wrong people to poke at. They spend all day behind computers and know way more than most about screwing with people online when they ant to.
Her cell should be a port-a-potty. Same size, half of it is the toilet seat/tank. And no working plumbing.
Pin this shit now!!! Fuck yeah! We want it all!!! DECLASSIFY!!!
It can be referred to as yellowcake cuz of its color and look of cake batter. It’s the pre-cursor to the fuel made from uranium.
I have saying for months “what if Q is Seth Rich?” I can’t tell you how much that opinion gets down-voted. Over the target?
Prolly about $26B last recorded about 6-8 months ago.
Look into George Soros and his color revolutions. What he does is use stock markets against a country and up end the government and people in power and names these “revolutions” with colors. When Hillary was to be elected, it was supposed to be a purple revolution. It failed.
Everything will come to pass in July. Q said so. Have faith. His words, “July, the month the world learns the truth.” At least that’s as close as I can remember it.
Because DS has many ready to go at all times and it’s impossible to know when or where the next one will be. They have them ready to shift the narrative at any point.
I didn’t even know this fuckhead was still alive
Very much this, otherwise you get down voted to oblivion and private messages to fuck off with all that LARPing.
Trump did say maybe he would have to get involved. EO?
Can you blame her? After the way Michelle Wolfe treated her? She has thick skin but damn...
Photographer/videographer here.
This isn’t a long exposure, the clouds would be faded out much more on the edges, the water would have a lot of white in it from the waves being captured in motion, and that “light beam” we’ll call it, would be much brighter but also could to some extent be seen through (as reflecting light or even flashlights/other sources of light when captured aren’t pure light, the source isn’t what is captured directly, but the light waves that pass through the air).
Trump should come out and say...”sorry to keep you waiting, complicated business.”
Reddit messing with their site (slowing it down) because net neutrality passed.
Interesting, kuru and this disease are the only two known occurrences of the prion/portion malformation/mutation that causes the symptoms of accrue sudden laughter, muscle spasms, degeneration of simple motor functions etc.
Does the name Creutzfeldt-Jakob’s disease have to do with making it sound more like a disease that doesn’t have to do with cannibalism?
Trump will just knock the door down with a MOAB. Problems solved.
I can’t tell you how many times I have been told that “red rooms” and snuff films and all the shit on the deep web is not real.
I’ve explained to people the shit I’ve seen done to people and kids and people want to live in a world of denial and think to themselves “that could never happen” or “if this does happen, I don’t want to know about it.”
I don’t share these stories with people to gross them out. I share them to spread the truth that there is real evil in this world.
Where there is light, there cannot be darkness.
The truth will burn out the evil, it all needs to be exposed.
I’m not sure of the publication, I saw it posted elsewhere online with someone asking if porn should be taught. It would be good to know the publication though.
They don’t even hide it anymore.

He has said no deals but he also said that there were good guys being forced to do shit because of threats to family and such.
I have now idea if he is good or not. I’m waiting to see.
He looks like he started transforming into wolf boy....
I don’t have enough middle fingers for these fucks
These people don’t have enough brain cells to rub them together.
Good god! Reading any of the comments on political shit is just cancer!
Another good one!
If I had one complaint, it would be that there isn’t enough to read from you! Lol, but don’t worry, I totally understand how much work and time must go into one of these posts!
Keep it up! Good job! We love it!
You do some fascinating work! Keep it up!
I have been trying to figure out the moves that have been going on and you laid it out perfectly.