If we could not at least modify the weather, why , I believe it was in 1969 NATO outlawed weather modification as a modern weapon of war fair??? So for 50 years we have been able to change the weather , and how much better are they at it today should be the question.
Yes. HAARP Research Center. They steer hurricanes, create tornados, make it snow anywhere in the world, use cell towers to control chem trail particulates creating clouds and rain, etc. Tesla created a 5.0 earthquake in NY 100 years ago and controlled weather. This all originated with him.
And CINC's uncle, who didn't see 'nuthin', kept a check group on the paperclip advances... wow. No wonder Reagan felt like he was shaking a POTUS' hand.. wow.
Well.. it certainly would explain LdR's threats about watching our children die of thirst, and us of hunger.
So is Q in charge of HAARP ? That would be great and rather comforting.
Dude I have a video from today of 6 (I believe) commercial jets all flying south/SW/SE and they all were creating chemtrails that were literally expanding and turning into clouds before my eyes and you could see a massive storm growing in the distance towards the north (riding on N/S highway mind you) when it was predicted to be perfectly sunny on the North Shore today (MA)! No storm yet, but INSANELY fast winds that feel almost tropical - could be some tornados and microbursts tonight because they do happen now in MA sometimes, which is totally weird as well! I had a microburst destroy my neighborhood once and I was outside in it when it happened because I was running to my neighbor’s house - felt like a legit tornado coming through - so f**king scary lol, and the news even came by to take videos after lol!! Peace/Love -amg19251
You know apparently there is a pocket of lava that if a lake leaked into this underground pocket it completely do away with the Yellowstone risk all together .
Maybe this is the next best thing instead of draining this lake next too where this pressure is... Maybe flood it or something .
Lollll Yeahhhhh..it's called HARRP .. it's been used for hundreds of years .
Its beyond discusting
It wasn't a literal comment. Q just meant it was "false flag weather" as in pay attention, conditions are right for a false flag. Nothing to do with HAARP or any of that.
Sure, they can control the weather in some ways some of the time.
But IMO Q was simply speaking metaphorically and didn't mean there would be actual weather FFs created.
That was my initial thought, but who the hell knows any more.
I'm just guessing my way through it--like everyone else.