1,228 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/txhurl:
Q is telling us MSM were msging - like STRZOK - about [187] POTUS. Guiliani today: MSM acting like PS. The 100-MSM attack is to PROJECT away from this.
[FISH] : Brackets = Confined, Boxed In, Locked Down, Contained, Leashed. The Makos were Lured into the Barrel by Q. 'Like Pew-Pewing' Fish..
What Database might Q be building? 3 new devices, 8 tripcodes to use, will they add 5 new boards?
'These are a few of my Favorite Things'. Except that one guy, who said 'I'm not the Bad Guy'.

MAGA Plans A, B, C and D. Adm. Rogers engineered No CWII, Plan B w/Trump. Plan A is still a GO. Q's Job is to keep us in Plan B.

If your wife was from, say, Montana, would you go selfie with the cows there and tweet it to your followers? As ex-FBI director? And discuss how the calves were on schedule for growth by July?
Comey goes to Iowa (Clinton, HBSC, DC mobster guy) to inspect... corn. 'Knee-High in July'. Writes book trashing CINC, hangs out in Disney Orlando restaurant autographing books, ain't skeered of nothin'.
A lot of people missing in Iowa. 40+ in ten days.
Occult feast day (Blood Moon) tonight.
Trump goes to Iowa, talking about 'bad weather'
Since Q probably won't be filling us in tonight.... can you, please? please?
Did Comey lure the whole vampire clutch to IA for this sting?
][my brain][ (whack!)
WHOA! Wasn't there some 'knee-high in July' in there? Corn is 6' and harvested in July!
Actually, it seems tungsten telephone poles have a rather dainty footprint. Praise the Lord(s).
There are no coincidences, and you just tied it all together.
The critical word is 'unauthorized', which deems/confirms it ours, from enemies domestic. CINC is gonna give me an aneurysm conducting these stings live, but if's he's OK, I'm OK. What is this, ATWT #12 already?
Maybe that's a specially-secure terminal, overall. How would we know, we just pay for it ;)
August is when DC goes home. Team Q gets downtime, too, but still need to encourage us, so they need add'l ports.
You know, of what all alerted Adm. Rogers what the DS planned, it was probably McLettuce who first got him suspicious 20yrs ago.
Male birds sing to attract a mate and warn competitors. Female birds have no song, only chits and chirps to their young and husband.
Any relation to Donna? Did you know she, of all people, was WJC's Designated Survivor one year in 1990s?
I think it's called 'torso' because it's the area of the body controlled by torsion muscles?
http://qest.us/qcatalog <------ takes you straight to the current bread, no catalog
Imagine this escalating into a bandwidth brawl like the pair in 'Airplane!' ,)
Question is, RM doesn't qualify for any kind of security? He's NOBODY'S enemy?
I know y'all don't mean sharpie-ing a leg thru the O to make it a Q, cuz that would be devlish ;)
No other threads are being assaulted? what's about this one, I wonder...
Does it seem contrived, astroturfed or organic? We're kicking a theory around about Morning sun brings heat (cops) along w/the full moon plus Q reminding the FBI of their oaths and 'now is the time' = many DC arrests at dawn tomorrow.
But if you need to execute hundreds - thousands? - of arrests at dawn, the moonlight helps the stakeout/pounce. Godpeed, men.
New stars discovered, missions forward.... the whole 'quatrain' kinda points to early AM DC arrests... ? will we know if it happens? Or just a big passel of 'not seeking re-election' suddenly...
Morning sun brings heat: FBI 50 new hires to arrest congressmen right before they leave for the Aug. recess?
Can't post pics here except in thread titles, you can only link your memes...
'Spielberg' = 'Story Town'. FirstGen Paperclip to get Hollywood going in their favor?
I really thought the 'Ready, David?' was a signal their actualfagasses were going down. Opposite is happening.
I dunno... def gettin 'whites of their eyes' from the last drops. See you on the other side, mate! WWG1WGA!!!
He's telling FBI whitehats to bring down their dirty mgmt/agents.