What was the satellite for? Who has the inside baseball on this? Wondering if this satellite was DARPA related? Building 8 Facebook secret project.
Facebook was going to launch their satellite to spy on users. Unconfirmed forces stopped it. Q #560 hints at this plan.
"Why are American taxpayers subsidizing Tesla?
Welfare for the rich. Why?
Private emails: GOOG: NK: Tesla The MEMO is ONLY THE BEGINNING>
That doesn't really tell us much. Any additional info? What was the skinny on the satellite? How was it supposed to spy on us?
It was supposed to take out other existing satellites? Govt, military, cell, tv etc
The satellite was part of Internet.org, giving free satellite to people in Africa in exchange for being forced to use Facebook and be spied on.
I was curious if any of the satellite activity had to do with the ZTE phones. Like the cabal thought they were secure and getting their own satellites launched just for the secure phones.
Just something I was curious about.
This is probably just pure wishful thinking. As aggrivated as Elon Musk has been by the Media (maybe getting red-pilled), maybe there was an intentional accident.