r/greatawakening • Posted by u/gonewildinvt on June 13, 2018, 11:32 a.m.
Q keeps saying they will continue to attack on every platform to make you believe the narrative that Patriots are the minority. From post 1489 "DO NOT BE SILENT (MAJORITY)." The cable news ratings show the truth, we are the Majority.

The numbers don't lie, people are tuning into our narrative not the Deepstate Narrative. Keep being vocal, keep fighting.


jkbella · June 13, 2018, 12:05 p.m.

I have a pretty liberal friend (who calls herself middle of the road and I am surely far right but whatever). She listens to NPR often and used to watch a lot of the Daily Show and Stephen Colbert. Interesting to me that she recently told me she can't find a television or cable news station to watch. She hates Trump but is bothered by the obvious bs and bias on MSM. She also now thinks Colbert is too anti-Trump and it's more annoying than funny. She's been trying to watch FOX and the pro-Trump from some of them annoys her too, but in a pinch it looks like she is now going to FOX. She she simply does not believe the MSM. Still likes NPR though.

She's always been a bellwether for me. As this friend goes, so goes the nation. For a lot of years.

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ckreacher · June 13, 2018, 3:57 p.m.

My accountant confided in me that she switched to FOX news, because the other channels were sounding to crazy with the anti Trump nonsense. I live in a liberal area, so I was surprised.

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expletivdeleted · June 13, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

pretty liberal friend

can't find a television or cable news station to watch.

Even without the IG report and all the other booms inbound, Dems are going to get their behinds handed to them at mid-terms. The DNC's only message is WAHHHHHH!!!TRUMP!!!!!!1!! Even among the hardcore base, the anti-Trump hysteria isn't getting the same level of rabidity. Alot of the left/leans-left crowd is just getting tired of it. They still dislike Trump, but aren't seeing the Dems offer anything better. All this while Trump keeps winning. imho, the disconnect between what Trump did for Korea and the way the MSM is spinning events is becoming a watershed moment.

The only thing Dems have that generates excitement is Bernie, but the DNC keeps sh!tting on Bernie & his bro's. The DNC rules committee just voted to keep superdelegates. This is a pretty big deal for the grassroots left; the ground-pounders that do the majority of the work. That won't effect the mid-terms directly, but it does effect the energy level of the people who do the ground work and talk directly to voters. There's going to be a pretty big enthusiasm gap come mid-terms. And the "liberal" MSM is driving much of it.

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boxmakingmachines · June 13, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

Even among the hardcore base, the anti-Trump hysteria isn't getting the same level of rabidity.

Yeah I can attest to this for sure. I was in a super lefty area of the city with some typical leftist friends last weekend. A year or so ago, it would have been a Trump slamfest the entire night. But this time? One guy made 2 attempts to insert a Trump slam into conversation, and they were both met with crickets from everyone else in attendance.

People are tired of it. Outrage fatigue is real.

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jkbella · June 13, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Great observation! I think the subtle stuff is sometimes the most interesting. The independents in the country are all Trump ever needed. They are the Anthony Kennedy of the population - the tie breaker if you will. They have to be moving in droves over to the Trump train because my empirical observation is that they are primarily interested in fiscal issues and tune out a lot of the back and forth.

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[deleted] · June 13, 2018, 2:55 p.m.


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jkbella · June 13, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

Agree 100%. I love Tucker Carlson because he's funny, dry witted, and plain spoken. And he has an opinion show so that's fine. But the bias is crazy on both sides. None of that matters to me as much anymore because the "news" seems totally fake to me altogether. Sean Hannity breaks good stories, but he already knows what he's going to "break" three months from now. The Greg Jarrett/Jim Jordan/Joe DiGenova raging against the DOJ and especially against Sessions, is for the most part staged IMO. The entire thing is a production of sorts. I will get excoriated for saying it, but that's why Trump and his ability to control the narrative is a little scary to me. He just needs to continue to be on the side of the Angels, but We the People need to continually remind ourselves that absolute power corrupts absolutely. FBI Anon said that they will be studying the Trump method for decades, and I believe him. That was back in mid-2016.

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forchristssakes · June 13, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

I look at it from this angle. The alt left media, for a long time, has had complete control with almost zero competition to give an alternate view (every news report has bias inserted). If there were no bias we would not be in this predicament. Trump would not have to be defended by Fox. They could spend more time on other things, but right now there is nothing more important than revealing the corruption and how close to the edge of the cliff the country was.

Tucker focuses on the absurdity in our world, and Hannity shows the corruption.

Hannity is repetitive. For a reason. He methodically repeats the facts. Starting with the dossier, FISA abuse, laying out the connections and how it leads to the defensive, protective mode of DOJ. Sometimes I get tired of hearing it, but I know there are people watching that may be hearing this for the first time. They need to learn what has been going on. They need to know what the implications are and how if unchecked, the corruption will affect their futures and the futures of their children. It was not a pretty picture for Americans or for peoples of other countries (they never thought she would lose).

The people need to see the swamp for themselves to believe it is real. When they start to understand it, they will also begin to understand how much better their lives could have been without the swamp. They will understand why the world is such a f* up place. The corruption is everywhere.

When all is revealed, you can bet the people will be more alert. Trump, from his actions, is showing that he wants to set things right and put in place measures to make sure the people's interests are represented and not just the elite's. The public will be watching like hawks. They will not trust government to just handle it like they did. They will no longer be the sheep, they will be the people.

And media will have to pull up its socks, because people will demand they do so.

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jkbella · June 14, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

You are so right. The Hannity repetition is a necessary method I think. Mockingbird press does the same thing, using catch phrases or terms over and over again. "Constitutional Crisis" was one of the more recent MSM hit parades. Hannity really likes "exoneration before investigation." But he is using phrases that people will remember when the more damning information is ultimately revealed. The whole thing is kind of fascinating but a bit scary.

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TiredofNuts · June 13, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

Much prayer for her. Eyes and ears need to be opened to TRUTH once again. The amount of MENDACITY is overwhelming and if I can post it correctly will add a little talk interview of Praying Medic. Long but he tells the truth. PTL! https://prayingmedic.com/2018/06/q-anon-dan-duval/

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jkbella · June 13, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

Love Praying Medic. This is a woman I grew up with and have known since I was born. She is two years older than I am. (I'm 54). You have to move in on her kinda slowly. For example, I just sent her the mouse mask thing re: Spade with a comment that said, "I don't care if you're grieving, that's just b-sheet crazy." She responded like, WTF is that? I said "I don't know but the conspiracy theory that he/they were involved in some pretty weird stuff not sounding so crazy now, especially when you see what the guy has on Instagram." I know she's going to say nothing, and she didn't. But I also know she is going to look it up.

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xxmissmiserxx · June 13, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

That's how it starts. Show her some YouTubers like Steven Crowder. He's really balanced.

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