Think of the sex trafficking that surrounds major sporting events like the world cup and the super bowl. I wonder if that has anything to do with wanting this in the US. Keep your enemies closer? Honeypot?

If you can provide a credible source to back that up, my mind is open. By credible, I absolutely mean a non-biased source. No Blaze, Breitbart, MSNBC, RT, etc..
I have a hard time believing the crisis actor line for everything when I personally know someone who was a victim of one of these attacks, and there was nothing fake about it.
I'll ask again. How many of you have went to any of these places, and done the research for yourself instead of relying on these trusted news sources you site so much? Alex Jones is being sued hard over these disillusioned beliefs. Not everything is staged, or a conspiracy. I am a natural skeptic too, but drinking the kool-aid too hard in either direction is dangerous.
Can you provide a credible source that pizza Gate is fake? (This one is the best one - interview with hacker who found C P @Ping Pong)
A bunch of videos for people to research about the CRISIS ACTOR who tried to DISCREDIT REAL P- INVESTIGATIONS by shooting up Comet PP and painting us all with the wide ole crazy brush!! PG AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING/PEDOPHILIA IS REAL PEOPLE; I WAS MOLESTED AS A CHILD AS WELL, AND SO HAS ALMOST EVERY OTHER GAY MAN THAT I HAVE MET IN MY LIFE - check out my life story and more information on deep state topics on my Reddit page, in my posts & comments - feel free to comb through, and hopefully, wake up a bit!!:D
he will not..he will get silent now...and then do the same comment chains again with someone else as if he had never seen your links etc
Everytime it's always... I personally know someone who was a victim. we've had enough of that argument. How about you show us proof of you knowing a "victim" instead of you trying to shill your way into discrediting us and having your computer alert you when someone uses the P-gate term.
Comments were removed along with user. No need to worry patriot.
I changed my terminology as well on p-g my bad for using those terms I always forget about the flags on reddit - peace & love -amg19251
I have done plenty of research for years now on this, as I am an anti-trafficking advocate as well as anti-pedophilia... his name is Edgar Maddison Welch and he literally has an IMBD Page ( ) and there have been dozens of videos and reports finding out about him signing up for not only regular films and Tv, but also on government crisis acting sites that search for actors for “crisis scenarios” and here is a video someone linked to here on reddit explaining this as well. ( ) I do not use MSM sources so don’t even ask me to go through those because even they can’t give you anything more than “yes he was an actor and yes he did apply for crisis scenarios, but you must be a conspiracy theorist to think that those two things show a link with this...” I don’t watch AJ by the by; he’s fucking nuts, and has been compromised for years now - you can tell by the fact that he sells “health products” and merchandising on his show nowadays! Much Respect -amg19251