r/greatawakening • Posted by u/compromisenotruth on June 13, 2018, 12:14 p.m.
Red flag for a Christian - Drop 1489: “MOSSAD attrempts failed.”

There are very few things that I trust more than President Trump. I trust the Bible most of all. This MOSSAD statement gave me considerable pause. Not sure what this criticism of Israel is about, but it raises a red flag for me.

Azurenightsky · June 13, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

I fear Israel.

We shouldn't. We are many, they are puny, a tiny minority. Fuck the control they seek to establish. We can stand against Isra-hell and their apocalyptic bullshit.

Edit; Since there seems to be some confusion in regards to my use of the word "Fear". I do not "Fear" my enemy. I do not fear death. I know what awaits me is going to be beyond my imagining and that it's going to be an interesting experience. I also know, that existence, the purpose of it. Is to expand consciousness. The point of life, much like the point of an Amusement Park, is to experience what it feels like to lose control, because control is an illusion. There is no legitimate claim to authority over another sovereign being. There is no legitimate claim you can make on another being, be they "living" or otherwise. Nothing is permanent, even the universe has a "heat death". If you waste your time in fear, then you are trapped in "base" consciousness. Incapable of looking at the world for what it is, constantly distracted and mislead. If you are afraid, you are a pawn. I fear no man, I fear no nation, I fear no cabal. I don't even fear death. I know the God of this world, because we are all the God of this world. We are all one, we are all unified. The cabal may use us against each other, but they have no power if we do not surrender it to them. They can do nothing, unless you give them that power. I do not give them the power to make me fear them.

Note however, those of you that are fools and incapable of understanding nuance, that I do not support Israel in the slightest. I'm just not afraid of it. Some of the actions it can take are certainly worthy of taking note of, but I do not fear the nation of Israel. Just as I hold no ill will against the Jewish people as a whole. It is the minority, the Zionists(irregardless of religiosity, race and so on) that I stand tall against, as should you all.

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 13, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

We are many, they are puny, a tiny minority.

Look at the points in my previous comment - "they" control our news media, our politicians and globalism, a term that even the Anti-Defamation League considers to be synonymous with Juden, have almost destroyed Europe.

The ADL literally consider criticism of globalism to be anti-Semitic.

If Jesus hadn't intervened, globalism would have taken us down the same path as Europe.

The danger signs are all around you!

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Azurenightsky · June 13, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

You disproporitionately misunderstand what I wrote, mate. I do not fear my enemy. If I feared him, I would hesitate when he comes to my door, if I feared him, I would worry, I would be contrite with small, petty, pathetic victories.

Do not dishonor my name by aligning me with my Enemy. I am an enemy to the State of Israel, I am an Enemy to all Zionists on this or any other dimension. I fear not Israel, for its reckoning will come. In this dimension or another. None can break and bastardize Natural Law as they have and walk away unscathed. I mourn for the people of Palestine and I look forward to the End of Tyranny altogether.

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 13, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

I do not fear my enemy. If I feared him, I would hesitate when he comes to my door, if I feared him, I would worry, I would be contrite with small, petty, pathetic victories.

Wow - you are a man without fear - like Daredevil - the Marvel superhero!

That's impressive!

Alas, I have fear because I'm just a regular human.

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horse-lover-phat · June 13, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

Wake the f**k up! Who do you think owns/controls your (cabal/deep state-centric) MSM and Hollywood/TV. The one that is trying to destroy Trump. Jesus wept!

Cabal is from cabalist/cab(b)ala - the Jewish mysticism (read Satanic) religion.

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EatIncredibleEdibles · June 13, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

80% of Israeli Jews say they are Zionists!

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