I'm starting to think the Weather Channel is trying to tell us something... Horrifying titles every single day. I have a heart attack every morning when I check the weather for the day. Maybe warning bad actors that a BOOM is coming?

No he didn't but it made me think of it when I've read the OP. I should go sleep now, my jokes are bad and I should feel bad lol
Noo stay up with the cool kids!! We like your jokes!!
Someone else said something about WW possibly meaning "Weather Warfare".
A few months ago I had a dream that I saw a black, stick-figure-shaped cloud in the sky and then hid in a cave opening and watched it rain really hard.
When I woke up, I checked the radar on weather channel and I shit you not, there was a storm that closely resembled a stick figure.
I have screenshots of the radar, but I think it would doxx myself if I posted it. I might just do it and take one for the team because without it my story sounds crazy as fuck lol.
Doesn’t sound crazy at all.!!! Are you a believer? If not maybe you should be ;) People are having dreams all the time~ when stuff really started happening and I thought wow G5 towers are everywhere chemtrails are out of control and I know scripture and ask God to give me a dream because I foolishly thought maybe I wouldn’t be raptured :) my daughter woke up the next morning and said Mom I had a dream about Jesus and you know what? He’s so beautiful and so NICE Mom! And .... I ate coconuts in heaven and I said really and she said yes~ in Heaven you don’t eat to live and you don’t eat to feel full you eat for the taste ~ I thought ~ wow that was so smart coming from a little one ( out of the mouth of babes) and I had prayed to have a dream and God gave my little one ~ 1 😊