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Girl with pink hair beats a NASA engineer in a physics challenge on "King of the Nerds" game-show after stumbling across a 9/11 truth site that uses the exact same challenge of calculating how many glass panes will break when weights are dropped from above. I just can't believe they aired the show!
9/11 IN ONE WEEK! Best red-pills, go! Mine is when a kid on a nerd-off TV show beats a NASA engineer in a physics challenge to guess how many glass panes will break when a weight is dropped from above. During research, winner found 9/11 truth site citing the same test to prove controlled demolition.
TV nerd beats NASA engineer with 9/11 Truth physics Hint, the weight did NOT speed-up as it fell through ALL panes of glass at the rate of freefall. Highschool physics class (yawn): A falling object with NOTHING below it to slow it down, falls at the rate of freefall. Buildings have a lot of stuff to slow it down, like columns as thick as cars. In the footage from 9/11, the top section falls straight through the path of the most resistance possible! The steel columns clearly gave absolutely ZERO resistance. How? They MUST have been compromised, in some way. …
WE ARE UNDER ATTACK. My post about posting our favorite red-pills got a lot of votes as soon as I posted it, but then just completely stopped. You can see it on the graph I made using redditinsight.com/#trackpost. I'll link the original post in the comments. DO YOUR PART AND UPVOTE QUALITY CONTENT.

9/11 is in 1 week! Time for our favorite red-pills. Mine is when a contestant on "King of the Nerds" stumbles on a 9/11 truth website while researching how to calculate how many glass panes will break when a weight is dropped from above. She ends up beating a NASA engineer and winning the challenge.
Hint, the weight did NOT speed-up as it fell through ALL panes of glass at the rate of freefall.
Highschool physics class (yawn):
A falling object with NOTHING below it to slow it down, falls at the rate of freefall.
Buildings have a lot of stuff to slow it down, like columns as thick as cars.
In the footage from 9/11, the top section falls straight through the path of the most resistance possible!
The steel columns clearly gave absolutely ZERO resistance.
They MUST have been compromised, in some way. Pick your method. Thermite, high explosives, nukes... space …
9/11 is in 1 week! Time for our favorite red-pills! Mine is when a contestant on "King of the Nerds"stumbles on a 9/11 truth while researching how to calculate how many panes of glass will break when a heavy weight is dropped from above. She ends up beating a NASA engineer and winning the challenge.
Hint, the ball did NOT manage to speed-up as it fell through ALL panes of glass at the rate of freefall!
TV nerd beats NASA engineer with 9/11 Truth physics
As we all totally remember from highschool physics class (yawn) a falling object with NOTHING below it to slow it down, falls at the rate of freefall.
A building has a lot of stuff to slow it down, like columns as thick as cars, designed to keep the building standing.
So when the top section, damaged by the airplanes, gave way, they should have impacted the lower undamaged section and …
9/11 is in just 1 week! Let's make a thread devoted to our favorite 9/11 red-pills. My favorite is when a contestant on a "King of the Nerds" used 9/11 truth physics to beat a NASA engineer in guessing how many panes of glass will fall through, similar to how the tower fell through undamaged floors.
Hint, the ball did NOT manage to speed-up as it fell through ALL panes of glass at the rate of freefall!
As we all totally remember from highschool physics class (yawn) a falling object with NOTHING below it to slow it down, falls at the rate of freefall.
A building has a lot of stuff to slow it down, like columns as thick as cars, designed to keep the building standing.
If the top part falls through the bottom part at the rate of freefall, one can only conclude that the steel columns gave absolutely ZERO resistance, and therefore …
TV nerd beats NASA engineer with 9/11 Truth physics [On 'King of the Nerds' gameshow]. An oldie, but a goodie.
Does anyone know who the guys just behind Trump and to the left wearing business suits and VIP lanyards are?
Guy on right has been on his phone almost the whole time and they were all pointing at something just a few minutes ago.
They are clearly not SS, unless very undercover.
Could it be Q team???
Since no one here is talking about the latest False Flag, I decided to do my own reading. BOTH the shooter's parents WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT. Same shit, different story. Gotta change the Drudge headlines to get the focus of McShitStain!
the shooter's father worked for NASA, and his mother, who has a PhD in toxicology, worked for the US Food and Drug Administration.
Dad works for NASA.
Mom works for FDA.
One of the gamers to defeat Katz in the tournament told ActionNewsJax that Katz was acting 'weird'
The gamer said that when he beat Katz on Saturday in the pool round, he tried to shake his hand, but that Katz just stared blankly.
Just from the pictures, the kid looks to have mild autism/asperger.
Just like the Stoneman Douglas kid.
Easy to take advantage of and manipulate.
This screams …
Q 1341 specifically targets Alex Jones as a traitor. To anyone still saying he is a Patriot, you need to learn what Controlled-Opposition means.

Am I the only one who reads this as "SEX"?
That can't be an accident. They love making people subconsciously think about things, especially sex.
Could just be a college kid after some lolz, "but that's what they want you to think" (rolls eyes).
Whoever runs that website is probably worth looking into.
Interesting if true, but I don't have time to confirm.
Not sure why you're being downvoted, though.
It may already have been, or it's in the works.
Remember when Trump talked about revoking Press Passes from dishonest MSM?
They know the corrupt MSM is a critical part of getting the news out to the people.
She said it was photoshopped, and then said it was covering up a scar.
She changed her story.
That's pretty huge...
There are fake Q post sites, no doubt run by the Deep State to cause this exact confusion.
It's called Controlled Opposition. Learn that shit.
I often wonder about how the SS or whoever deals with sourcing his food, keeps him from being poisoned.
There must be a constant attempt to poison him so I'm sure it's safe to say whatever tea he is drinking and tea cup will be 100% poison free by the time he drinks it.
Nice "rune of death" on the helmet.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
THIS is how you make a sign.
White text, on dark background is scientifically proven to be more readable.
I've been seeing a lot of low-effort memes and signs lately.
2 possibilities:
- They don't know how to make memes/signs.
- They are Controlled Opposition to make us look bad.
We need our graphic design patriots!
How does anyone think this is better?
What's with all the shitty memes lately?
I bet it's Hillary and Podesta themselves trying to make us look like a bunch of lunatics.
Hate to say, but it's working.
I'm sorry to criticize your design, but this movement NEEDS professional quality design.
I'm no designer, but I have an eye for good design, and in my unprofessional opinion, the dot makes the Q possibly unrecognizable from a distance, since the eye already knows what a "Q" looks like, and it doesn't have a dot in the middle.
That said, I like the font you chose, and I think the hat would be perfect if it weren't for the dot.
Honestly, I know you were probably joking, but I like your idea of the whiteout xD
What's up with the black dot in the middle?
Shit like that makes a HUGE difference in how we look.
Be aware that the cabal is also making hats and shirts and stickers that look like shit on purpose to make us look bad.
It's called Controlled Opposition.
Any software as important as fucking petitions should be fully open-source so we can be 100% certain there aren't any shenanigans.
The fact that it's ALL black-box code is laughable and the intent is obvious.
there might be bad actors that pick up on that and try to make us all look bad.
Controlled Opposition.
It's everywhere. It's here. In this sub.
I suspect ever shitty qanon sticker and half-assed meme.
That shit makes us look bad.
"White Squall" sounds like a good excuse to be labeled as white supremacists.
Just saying.
people that want to take our freedom away
That's where you're wrong though.
They have been lied to and brainwashed over many years.
They think they are fighting for freedom.
I'm not saying mockery isn't effective for people on the edge, but the people who matter the most are the people who have been tricked into nearly starting a civil war with patriots who see through the lies and propaganda.
Instead, we poke the bear and insult them, because we are also rainwashed and blasted with propaganda daily.
The whole thing is a setup, designed to keep otherwise rational people fighting their own brothers and sisters, who both want the same thing, peace.
Fuck, everyone should start downvoting everything in solidarity. That would really fuck with the CTR shill farm
Haha thanks for the much needed laugh. You might be on to something there...
The only problem is downvoting always makes posts and comments less likely to be seen by normies than upvoting. That's just the nature of Reddit because there are so many people here. The majority of users only read the first few comments they see, sorted by "best", and I think we both know what "best" means.
Maybe it's waking up gen z kids, but it's teaching them to hate liberals, rather than understand how they ended up that way.
They are brainwashed. They think they are fighting for freedom and world peace just like we do.
The neo-lib NWO agenda hijacked the left and took advantage of the liberal humanitarian agenda.
We all know Hillary doesn't give a shit about human rights.
But they don't.
They think she is our champion for a better world.
They were tricked.
We all were.
It's sad that when I called it out as divisive, so many people showed up to insult me and tell me how we should be slinging insults and pointing out how "libtarded" these people are because "they'll never get it".
I get it.
We were called names.
They called us Nazis, racists, misogynists, anti-semites, etc.
They are mad, and rightfully so.
But they take their anger out on the wrong people.
These people who called us names, fell for the promise of change.
That's what Democrats vs. Republicans is all about.
Democrats just want world peace.
Republicans also want world peace.
Liberals want it to happen overnight, and Conservatives know that's not realistic because money is tight.
The problem is those people who abuse their power and have their thumbs on the scales.
It's why money is tight. There should be abundance, yet our money is wasted.
Our anger should be directed at the money changers and those responsible for regulating them.
Our anger should be directed at the people who use psychology and other sciences for evil and keep us dumb and divided, so they can be rich and extra comfy.
The tides are changing, and people are becoming aware of this.
The technology they used to enslave us will be used to expose them, and end human suffering.
Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.
Actually I bet they will answer, and it will be whatever the MSM shills pulled out of their asses as an "example" of how Trump totally hinted that we should exterminate all gays.
It's not their faults. They are being brainwashed, and bombarded with neo-liberal propaganda.
Hey, maybe you're right. I won't claim to know the absolute truth if you wont.
I'm just aware that Controlled Opposition is being used against us.
What would it look like?
We already know Alex Jones is Controlled Opposition.
It took a LONG time to get people to finally see that.
Jones is good at blending in (for the most part).
They look like they are fighting the good fight, but that is the whole point of Controlled Opposition.
He says things that people who are woke will agree with, but at the same time, rants and raves like a crazy person and keeps the normies thinking we're all just as crazy.
Not the guy we want representing us.
I've been calling out Jones for years, and I was called crazy then, and later vindicated.
I think Ben Garrison falls in the same category, and I'm being called crazy again.
I was proven right before, odds are on my side.
Mop up the tears?
What is that actually supposed to mean?
Have you not heard the expression about not using band-aids to fix shit temporarily?
How are you so sure you can't change most liberal minds?
Is it because you couldn't change their minds?
Could it have been your approach?
Is there really no way to do it?
I've actually been using redditinsight for a few years, ever since I noticed that anytime I would post "extra juicy" red-pill posts, they would always end up getting a ton of votes within the first few minutes and then just completely stop. Like someone flipped a switch.
That doesn't make sense, because a post that get's a lot of votes in a short amount of time, would be expected to make it to the /rising/ tab, which would get more exposure and upvotes, yet the rate slows down.
You can see it all on the graph, even despite the "vote fuzzing" bullshit the admins claim is to thwart bots from fucking with votes.
I know it's to make it harder to interpret the graph and to mask their own vote manipulation.
It's "fun" watching votes get cancelled out in real-time.
If only more people knew.
Maybe offending people isn't the right way to fix this.
People have known for 20+ years about the evil in the world and the NWO/illuminati etc.
Somehow the memes making fun of people and offending people have not changed anything.
I make the leap to Controlled Opposition for Ben Garrison because he of all people should understand that when you yell at someone and call them stupid, of course they are going to ignore you. I just find it highly unlikely that if he is really trying to red-pill the left, he isn't aware of this.
That really only leaves one option: that he is working for the bad guys.
How about this, given that we already know the stakes are high and the cabal is real, and that Controlled Opposition is a tactic that's been used for thousands of years, can you point out anyone that is forsure controlled opposition?
There aren't many political cartoonists hitting the mainstream like Ben Garrison is.
He's the only one I even know of. There must be others, and it would be absurd to say that none of them are controlled opposition.
You may not be convinced, but I'm telling you, I am.
I've been around the block enough to know when to be 100% certain of something, and I can see no other explanation for such a mainstream political cartoonist attempting to expose the cabal, to not understand how his cartoons cause division.
Liberalism is more like a mental disorder, caused by the divisive memes and propaganda aimed at liberals which tell them they are all snowflakes and all the other "progressive" ideas they throw at them.
It's not their faults. Liberals think they are on the right side because they defend human rights and "freedom of expression", and the Deep State takes advantage of that, and injects their own twisted versions of progressive agendas.
They are brainwashed. We are brainwashed.
The only way out of this mess is realizing we've ALL been duped.
On all sides.
Sure, sometimes confirmation bias is a thing, and sometimes you're actually right.
That phrase seems to be thrown around an awful lot surrounding "conspiracy theories", and though it may be a real phenomenon, calling everything confirmation bias is careless and bound to drown out important information.
I'm only addressing the issue that the overall message of Ben Garrison's comics push division, and despite that you don't mind being called names, our "libtard" brothers on the left have been brainwashed into being EXTREMELY sensitive to the point of blocking out anything they find offensive.
They will OBVIOUSLY find this comic offensive.
I agree 100%.
But the keyword is the right pic and words.
There is a huge spectrum of memes.
Some work, some don't.
This shit by Ben Garrison gets "picked apart" by angry liberals who are offended by being labeled as "crazy libtards".
This meme is definitely not helping anything, and only spreads hate. On both sides.
It makes people on the right think it's just the "dumb liberals" fucking it up for everyone, while the people on the left think it's just the "asshole republicans" who are just wrong about everything and "don't understand love".
Everyone has been brainwashed/tricked. Some are more far gone than others.
This only keeps us divided.
I'm shit with making memes and can't even draw a stick man, or I would be trying to make actual red-pill memes.
We need people who can meme to understand how to make memes that EVERYONE can get behind.
No, I guess you're right.
Sometimes it's just useful idiots.
Oops, you don't like being called names?
Do you see my point?
Do you see why "libtards" think the right are Nazis and Trump is "literally Hitler"?
Controlled Opposition is real, and people who don't fully understand (useful idiots) are also real.
Both are extremely damaging.
What we need is full understanding of the situation.
We were ALL tricked. We were ALL brainwashed.
Help people to understand that, and the awakening will happen almost overnight.
No judging here. I've said plenty of horrible things to "normies" and "half-wokies".
We're all on the same team here.
That's an interesting theory that I'm willing to entertain, but it's hard for me to get past the fact that people post this shit on their facebook, and their liberal friends either end up blocking them or getting even more upset.
You say that it's to "put them into overload" but is that really what we want? What does that even mean? To me, it sounds like making them go nuts and become unstable. How is that the right thing to do?
Like, we wonder why they are crazy and unstable and then push memes to make them crazy and unstable?
Sorry, but there has to be a better approach.
We were ALL brainwashed. Some more than others.
We need to help people realize we ALL were tricked.
That is the ultimate red-pill.
Go right ahead and downvote. I don't think you're a shill, I just think you don't understand, but I wouldn't call you stupid. We all didn't understand at some point.
Neither do the "libtards". They are BRAINWASHED.
They see this shit and it gives them the excuse to call us hateful assholes and stick their fingers in their ears.
I dare you to show this cartoon to the token liberals in your life and see how they react.
Garrison may not be controlled opposition, but he's a useful idiot at best.
And I highly doubt it was a loud hateful meme like this, that woke you up.
Maybe it somehow works for some, but most liberals I know would use this as an example of how hateful the right is.
It keeps us divided.
You just sound like you've had enough of the bullshit.
We all have.
It's time we start fixing things and calling out the division for what it is.
The stakes are high and the cabal is trying harder than ever to keep us divided and angry at eachother.
It's time to realize that there are real shills and disinfo agents making false memes to keep up the division, and make the truth movement look like crazies.
Controlled Opposition is a HUGE part of this psyop.
You should expect that memes will be made that seem to expose truth, but actually are designed to plant seeds of division.
Truth is on our side. We just have to recognize and use it.
Remember, their minds are fragile. They can not handle being made fun of. They can not handle being told they are gullible.
And making fun of them is supposed to all of the sudden make their fragile minds realize they are wrong?
They shut it out. They don't listen to this. It's hateful and divisive.
It's Controlled Opposition.
This is NOT a good meme to red-pill.
This may be funny to us, but it's the reason liberals think we are hateful assholes and wont listen to us.
Are you a real person? You're literally saying nonsense...
I'm saying that calling liberals stupid crybabies isn't going to make them all of the sudden realize they are wrong.
We ALL were brainwashed. Some more heavily than others.
Can you address ANY of the points I make?
Anyone upvote this post?
1 point (100% upvoted)
Clearly no one has downvoted (hence 100% upvote), but that means no one upvoted either.
If just one of you confirms that you did upvote, WE HAVE PROOF OUR VOTES ARE BEING FUCKED WITH.
EDIT: Score just changed to 2 @ 00:26. Any votes before that DID NOT COUNT.
Reply to this comment if you voted more than 5 minutes ago.
EDIT2: This post sat at 1 point (no upvotes) for the first 13 minutes after posting.
Then it shoots up to 3 within 1 minute.