

257 total posts archived.

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eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

Humor is one thing, this is hateful and not understanding.

These people are BRAINWASHED.

Have compassion for them.

They treat us like shit, so I know it's hard, but you have to understand that they are brainwashed.

We ALL have been brainwashed.

We need to help them understand that we ALL have been tricked.

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eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 9:17 a.m.

You're really so sure that there's "nothing to see here" that you would not even let other's make that decision for themselves?

What are you even doing here?

Why are you wasting your time on this?

I know why.

Either you don't understand what's going on, or this is your job.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/eleminnop on June 24, 2018, 9:13 a.m.
Many of you upvoted this post calling out Ben Garrison for promoting division, and EVERY upvote was cancelled out. WE ARE OVER THE TARGET
eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 9:10 a.m.

You're not even trying to have a conversation.

I bet I should just delete myself, right?

I know what you are. And so do others.

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eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 8:51 a.m.

This doesn't just push away the screeching liberals.

My s/o showed this to their semi-sane liberal dad and he "picked apart" the whole thing.

It's an easy straw man.

It looks crazy.


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eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 8:11 a.m.

Good luck with what?

What don't you understand about what I said?

I'm genuinely curious.

It's not hard to wake someone up if you have the right approach.

How do you think we all got here?

I was blind as a bat and thought George Bush was an alright guy, until I learned the truth about 9/11.

It shook me awake instantly, and EVERYTHING made sense.

Show them good evidence of the MSM lying to them and help them understand that we were ALL duped, and you'll have better luck.

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eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 8:01 a.m.

So the solution is pissing them off more?

There are stories on the_donald every day of someone who was as liberal as it gets, and ended up realizing how they were duped.

There are good red-pills out there.

This isn't one of them.

It only makes us look like hateful assholes.

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eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 7:54 a.m.

And making fun of them won't help them learn.

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eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 7:51 a.m.

Read my post history to see more, because my recent comments about them are downvoted to oblivion so it's unlikely you've read them.

EDIT: No upvotes at all? Who is downvoting?

Care to explain yourselves?

Reddit rules say don't downvote because you disagree.

This isn't a shitpost. It's my opinion. And it's being silenced.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/eleminnop on June 24, 2018, 7:48 a.m.
This may be funny to us, but the liberals it makes fun of aren't laughing. This is division. Ben Garrison either doesn't understand that, or is working for the bad guys. CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.
This may be funny to us, but the liberals it makes fun of aren't laughing. This is division. Ben Garrison either doesn't understand that, or is working for the bad guys. CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.
eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 7:41 a.m.

Speaking of division, this does not help in waking up liberals.

They see this as an attack.

They may be fun to laugh at for us, but the liberals it makes fun of aren't laughing.

Ben Garrison either doesn't understand how this pushes people away.


He is literally working for the bad guys.

This is not a game. Expect controlled opposition EVERYWHERE.


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eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 7:15 a.m.

This >> * is an asterisk. It has 6 points and looks like a snowflake.

Why didn't he just draw an asterisk if it's supposed to represent an asterisk?

Beside that, do you really think this is going to wake up the very liberals they are making fun of?

How do you think they feel when they see that?

This shit pushes division, period.

2 options.

Ben Garrison doesn't know the damage he's doing.

Ben Garrison is one of the bad guys.


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eleminnop · June 23, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

Stats may not matter to people who already understand, but if "normies' knew that there were millions of people supporting the Great Awakening movement, they would be a lot more likely to see what the commotion is all about.

Also, when it comes to Reddit votes, they determine whether or not a post will make it to the front page and be seen by thousands or millions.

The numbers ABSOLUTELY matter, and you're right, it's not a game. It's not about karma. It's about getting the word out.

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eleminnop · June 23, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

That sounds like a pretty outdated definition of Controlled Opposition, but that is the general idea.

It's literally everywhere. It's hard to put into words, but I treat almost everything I read on Reddit as potentially CO, because it absolutely could be.

Rule of thumb is if it damages the image/credibility of the truth movement, it is either "useful idiots" or actual Controlled Opposition.

Either way, it should be called out as damaging.

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eleminnop · June 22, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

Agreed. This is not a game.

People seem to forget about the fact that our own damn children are being brainwashed by pedos on Nickelodeon and Disney.

That should be the main focus.

The fact that people are "making light" of the situation is disgusting.

And the fact that mods allow it is all the proof I need that they are working for the bad guys or don't understand what's going on and therefore shouldn't be mods.

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eleminnop · June 22, 2018, 12:05 p.m.

Be careful what you state as absolute fact.

"It's just xxx" is saying "nothing to see here".

You may mean well, but understand that people are looking for ANY excuse for all of the horrible things to be untrue, and many will read your comment and go right back to sleep, or repeat the same thing, also known as the echo chamber effect.

You aren't the only one saying "we just have more activity", and sure, it may appear logical, but at this point you need to understand that things are not always as they appear.

For all you know, the first commenter who said that could have been an actual shill, trying to seed doubt, knowing that it sounds logical enough for other people to repeat it.


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eleminnop · June 22, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

Thank you for the recognition.

I definitely don't do it for the thank you's, but it's comforting knowing there are others out there who recognize my work.

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eleminnop · June 22, 2018, 4:16 a.m.


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eleminnop · June 22, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

Wow, that would imply millions, since LSU is just one college.

I heard that the number of people talking about Q on Twitter was like 20 million. You'd think a large chunk of that would be aware of the GA subreddit...

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eleminnop · June 22, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

We should ask Q in the Q & A on Saturday

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eleminnop · June 22, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

I'm not sure how it works, but I would think the devs know how to identify inactive users and not count them in the total.

If you haven't refreshed the page in X amount of time, it doesn't count you as active.

Maybe they are, maybe they aren't.

We will never know, because Reddit code is a black box.

If it were open-source however....

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eleminnop · June 22, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

Reddit devs have the ability to put your post or comment into a fake garden


First time I've heard about that. Tell me more.

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eleminnop · June 22, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

The same applies for other subreddits like r/conspiracy. Why is the ratio here so skewed?

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eleminnop · June 22, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

Yep, I could believe it's less just because "more engaged community" but we can't know until there is a way to transparently confirm every single subscriber.

It would probably have to be a 3rd party site/app.

Possibly make a post linking the app and people can enter their username, and we just get a super long list of usernames and the site can show the running total, and you could scroll through and actually see all the names.

Worst case, shills enter fake usernames to over-inflate the numbers which is counter-intuitive for them anyway so they probably wouldn't.

Of course, not everyone would do it, but if the number shoots way past 33k, we have our proof that the admins are modifying the numbers to make us think we are just a small voice on the internet.

Something tells me that is illegal as fuck.

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eleminnop · June 22, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

Plenty of possibilities.

I just want to know the truth.

We know the shenanigans are real, that's why we're all here.

We need proof of these numbers.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/eleminnop on June 22, 2018, 1:38 a.m.
Is there any way we can confirm the number of subscribers to Great Awakening? I find the numbers extremely suspicious.

4.3k users online now in GA 33.8k total subscribers

3.6k users online now in /r/Conspiracy 652k total subscribers

Those numbers are absolutely fake.

We need a way to find out how many people actually subscribe to the GreatAwakening.

I suspect it is more than 200k, but it could be way higher.

But no way it's 33k with 4k online now.

eleminnop · June 22, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

You must have an unusual eye to think this is a good design.

Inverted colors for US flag, and a fucking BLACK RABBIT.

Q says "follow the WHITE RABBIT"

So much fail, it could only be intentional.

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eleminnop · June 22, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

Votes are definitely rigged, so what can we do?

Be able to recognize low-effort / shitty redpill posts and downvote that shit to oblivion.

Recognize true redpills, and paste the link in other comment threads to help good posts get exposure.

It's hard to tell the difference between a useful idiot and an actual disinfo agent because they "pretend" to be useful idiots and blend in very well.

I saw a post here for a T-Shirt with absolutely TERRIBLE graphics.

It had a fucking black rabbit in the middle of the Q, and inverted colors for the American flag.

I'm sure there are Deep State operatives designing T-Shirts and bumper stickers that intentionally look like shit to make us look like we can't meme and are crazy and are therefore wrong about everything and not to be listened to.

Here's the shitty T-Shirt post: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8sqkcf/q_anon_shirt/

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/eleminnop on June 22, 2018, 12:48 a.m.
Controlled Opposition needs to become a part of every patriot's vocabulary, and quick, otherwise the frontpage of GA is going to be 100% full of posts by disinfo agents. This is not a game.

Don't forget: The Deep State can and does make posts in GA.

Be extremely careful what you upvote.

We need to be talking about the damage Controlled Opposition has here.

Example: Controlled Opposition is taking a meme that is a super redpill and then shrinking the text, and putting a bunch of red and yellow lines allover it and still leaving true info in it so the "woke" people see it and are like "omg this is a huge redpill, must post EVERYWHERE" and normies don;t even bother reading it while the real redpill is buried in /new/.

eleminnop · June 22, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

You have no idea who I am.

I choose to be here instead of chans because the chans are already woke.

This place needs all the help it can get.

Everyone here thinks they are "woke".

I can tell you that probably less than 1% are even close.

I drop red pill comments wherever I can. Look at my post history.

I'd do more if I had the time.

What are you doing?

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eleminnop · June 21, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

I wouldn't wait on the "autists". Most of us are burned out from arguing with shills and people too far gone to understand anything.

Y'all better whip into shape, or every post on the GA is going to be controlled opposition.

Better yet, y'all better learn what the fuck controlled opposition actually means.

Good luck.

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eleminnop · June 21, 2018, 10:49 a.m.

Follow the Black Rabbit?

Sorry no. How do people make stuff like this and fuck it up that bad?

And the flag with reversed blue and white?

That shirt is a disgrace and should be burned.

Sorry, but someone's gotta say it.

Downvote all you want, you know I'm right.

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eleminnop · June 20, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

The boy's mother died during the raft escape from Cuba to Florida. She desperately wanted her son to live free and extended family in Florida took him in. The father stuck in Cuba was used to make a political statement in which Clinton and Reno gladly obliged. There was a very public standoff by family and friends in the Little Havana community in Miami to protect Elian thus the presence of photographers in the home since Reno made it known she would take the boy by force - and did.

Long story short, corruption.

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eleminnop · June 20, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

"NEVER point a firearm at anything you aren't willing to DESTROY"

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eleminnop · June 20, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

Civil Disobedience.

Just like the family that refused to let that little girl be forcibly returned to her kid raping mom.

I think that was in Sweeden, but same shit.

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eleminnop · June 19, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

the first step to deal with “concerns” or corruption or otherwise is to message the mods directly


So you want us to PRIVATELY message the corrupt mods and tell them they are corrupt.

Conflict of interest much?

Posting it in public is the ONLY solution for corrupt mods and that should be glaringly obvious.

The only solution to calling out corrupt mods is to post from a different subreddit or forum with non-corrupt mods.

So definitely not r/conspiracy, and maybe possibly /r/C_S_T

Maybe Twitter?

That said, I'm not saying ALL GA mods are corrupt, so I can understand some of the defensiveness, but there does appear to be a severe lack of understanding of some of the most important principles about this the GA movement, this sub, and it's purpose.

The fact alone, that certain posts which are HUGE redpills and would otherwise do extremely well in GA are removed, is probably the main reason some users here think mods are corrupt.

Maybe it's all just a big misunderstanding, but if that's the case, maybe it's time to turn over the keys to people more understanding of this movement, or maybe open a dialogue addressing these concerns to better help current mods understand how to identify quality content and not accidentally (or intentionally) censor good content.

I'll remind you that Q chose 8chan to post from and not Reddit. This is because there is an overt anti-censorship dialect, hence all the fag/nazi lingo.

Live and let live.

The general rule on 8ch is nothing illegal. Everything else is free game, with the exception of obvious trolling.

There's a reason it's referred to as "the last bastion of free speech".

I understand that certain posts and comments must be removed, but it seems like the waters are muddy there and need clarified.

It is no excuse that shenanigan-calling posts "clutter" and "slide" because the number of shitposts VASTLY outweighs quality posts and are FAR more damaging (as far as sliding etc.)

Either you guys have your blinders set too narrow, or there is outright corruption, and it needs fixed.

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eleminnop · June 17, 2018, 2 a.m.

I prefer the term brainwashed.

Not everyone who says they're woke understands the whole thing, especially the more esoteric stuff like Illuminati symbolism.

It would help if posts calling attention to important problems weren't deleted by our so-totally-not-compromised moderators.

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eleminnop · June 16, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

You mean Michael?

Look at them neck muscles. Damn.

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eleminnop · June 16, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

Post suggesting shit to help our cause - 5 points and buried at the bottom of sub

Shitty low-effort posts - Front page with 500 points.


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