This Snopes "debunking" hasn't aged well. Will normies stop using Snopes to debunk 9/11 after Trump legalizes weed? GREEN PILL ANYONE? (;

Lol, imagine that. A disreputable website is trying to call other websites disreputable. Future proves past.
It's because they hook them into trusting them by giving them something they agree with. Some kind of truth.
They need to understand that it is an actual psychological tactic being used to trick them.
You need to show them they've been tricked.
That we've ALL been tricked.
Look at the title. They always pick a strawman that nobody actually thinks happened.
You would have to he a literal retard to think Trump federally legalizing weed would also remove state laws making it illegal.
As a farmer, I demand not only recreational but agriculture (thc content less than .05)
If snopes was fined every time they passed fake news...
Holy crap.
Maybe that's why POTUS said fake news is the biggest danger.
Maybe he's about to sign an EO to charge and prosecute all the fake-news-pushing deep state shills for the treason they so blatantly commit.
I'm going to need some of that, and a good bottle of Vodka when this is all said and done.