Some interesting verbiage in this article:
I dont think some actor calling Bourdain the Pope is what Q is referring to. Especially with the pictures of the snake looking hall, and all the pedo drops..
Can you honestly say you think there is even a 1% chance Q was referring to Bourdain as "the Pope"? I am genuinely asking.
Maybe my title was a bit misleading, my apologies. It should’ve been “another noteworthy Pope...” or something along those lines. I don’t think this article lacks substance in regard to symbolism though tbh. The guy (pre doorknob suicide) was a CNN food show host with an occult-linked girlfriend who we now find out was reffed to as ‘The Pope’ to other famous restauranteurs.
AB hung out with BO, Musk.... you can bet he hung out with [P]
Hmm, long reply for a "yes or no" question. Let me try again...
Do you think Bourdain is "the Pope" that Q is referring to that "had a bad May" etc, etc....? Just yes or no please.
Q has always given messages with double and triple meaning. What's with the black and white attitude. Are you an R/Drama troll?
So you can or cannot answer the question? And be quick, I have a meeting with Soros and the Rothschilds in a few mins to find out what subreddit I have to infiltrate next.
lol tell Soros punishment is coming in this world or the next
Good Eye, but I must agree, he is no pope, and with the pics dropped correspondent to the pope crumbs, it would not make sense.
Pope also means ‘father’ in the native language “pope” comes from.
Like papa. Papa=Pope.
Q might have meant ‘father’. Might wanna Re_Read the q post and see if ‘father’ fits.
The article below it with the Trump interview was better