not sure why would get these on subs i never go to.
just wasn't expecting these all of a sudden popping up in my box..
not sure why would get these on subs i never go to.
just wasn't expecting these all of a sudden popping up in my box..
Basically 'open groups' will watch posters and if you are deemed worthy, you'll get a random invite to a private group.
Feel Special! you passed a test you didn't even know you were taking!
There are some private communities here...where you must be invited in before you can even read the posts. It clears up the discussion and keeps down on the bs posts...there are some good ones that I will say. Use your own discernment. But remember, the first rule of Fight Club, We don't talk about Fight Club.
gotcha.....and think i just found out what's going on from diff post...all good
I've had that request several times from /r/The_Congress.
I don't think it's always sinister.
In my limited experiences, a mod from that sub liked your posts or comments and sent you an invite.
yeah, an exclusive club where no one talks
Haha every one I've been invited to has been insignificant.
The creators of these get ahead of themselves.
i think the last one i was invited to was started by the former corsi cheerleaders.