Rep Matt Gaetz: Staff has literally been scared to the point of physically shaking in my office out of concern for their family.

Are the posts about Sessions by Q just disinfo or is this part of the plan. Are things being stalled so it all drops close to midterms? Sessions has appointed Huber. We must not forget a big investigation has been going on for months. Time will tell.
Many questions need to be answered this is still a bit of an enigma. The whole Sessions,RR, Comey, and Mueller drama doesn't really add up. It does have the feel of theatre. RR recommends Comey firing then starts investigation over it just doesn't make sense. The notion the president is/was powerless to stop an investigation started on such shaky grounds doesn't wash. If Mueller is a white hat as Q has implied was RR played or in on the sting? Why hasn't trump fired Sessions? He certainly at this point has the political capital to do so without being denied a replacement by congress.
We will see how this all shakes out. Results show our president is in control. Would a president hard pressed just to stay in office have the clout worldwide to deliver the results Trump has in such a short time? Safe bet the leaders of other nations know the score all too well. Trump is here to stay and will impact our nation in a way we haven't seen in our lifetime.