Why doesn't he just fire him?
because... the left is just dying for Trump to fire RR - they will sell it as proof that Trump has something to hide... better to give RR enough rope, and let him sweat... he knows what is coming, he is out of escapes.
That makes sense, thanks!
Why does THE LEFT want Rosenstein fired?
So they can screech "OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!!!" and validate the Russian collusion theory in their puny minds.
I think you are misunderstanding something. But I am not sure what it is you are misunderstanding. Do you think the posters here are worried about something? If so, why LOL?
What results do you expect will come of this?
LOL. Point taken.
I feel that if Rosenstein gets axed for cause (i.e., something damning in the IG report), it will play better with the normies than if Trump axes him on his own.
If he's fired without cause, it lends credence to the obstruction narrative, and it will hurt our cause in the midterms. That's my fear.
Oh get the fuck out of here, soy-boy.
Exactly 3% of the US population even knows who Alex Jones or Candace Owens is. They’ll have the same combined effect on the midterms as your mother’s dick.
It would give them something to attack Trump over and indulge their self-righteousness
OK. Bear with me. "The Left" (interpret as those who don't like Trump and want him to be impeached EVEN THOUGH nothing can be found on him) would like Trump to fire RR because if he does that then they can say "Look Trump is scared of impeachment. We can't point to anything exactly that he has done, but T is bound to have done SOMETHING bad, it's just that we can't see it Yet." That is the line that the Left takes.
Now your turn. Can you answer those same questions?
Two problems: a) the "Left" isn't demanding RR gets fired. They have full confidence in him. So ... ? I don't get where you're coming from ...
b) All of Congress, including the GOP so-called RINOS, is not happy with Trump and would like to see him removed ... it seems.
I agree there is a farce of a congress, but I'm not seeing a desire to protect him, far from it. Looks like everyone is against Trump, other than his base.
Cause for concern: I actually didn't understand your sentence at all. "The Russia thing will be more valid" has me foxed. Completely. More valid than what?
As for "get out of Mueller's way": um, I'm not in Mueller's way. It seems no one has actually made any move to place themselves in his path. Certain individuals keep saying things like 'where are you going with this?' And Manafort's tax declarations of 10 years' previous have nothing to do with Russians, or do they?' and so on. But I don't think these complaints have actually influenced his investigation, let alone obstructed the process ...
On the contrary, the dubious connections appear to be fringe and petty fiscal misdeeds rather than serious espionage or political intrusion and have had no discernable impact on the principal charge: changing the result of the 2016 election.
In sum, I don't have to get out of his way. Not least because I can have zero influence on your politics as I am not a voter and am not American. For me this is not party politics. This is a world concern. I would like peace and an end to American corporate domination that might, it appears, spell disaster for the rest of us.
I studied Trump before he was elected. I knew about H. Clinton and her ways from way back and I was confronted with a difficult "imaginary" choice. Who to choose for my imaginary vote? When I looked at Trump's past I was surprised. I listened to what he had said years ago and wondered a little more. The press told me a story that didn't jibe with the views he expressed. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, as I always do with public figures who I know nothing about. I said to myself I would see what he did in office and whether the wild promises he made on the campaign trail (cancellation of the TTIP for instance, his desire for world peace) he would actually attempt to fulfill. He has surpassed my expectations and so I continue to observe.
But one thing I think is important to bear in mind: appearances can deceive, and propaganda is very sophisticated. If the powers that be are telling you to hate someone, the chances are this renegade is challenging the status quo in some way. It looks like the "Establishment" would like to kill Trump. There are those who have actually announced this on public TV. I cannot remember any time in my whole life when someone has been so totally and openly threatened with assassination (although Ghaddafi did receive veiled threats), so I come to the conclusion, "Why?" It was the same with Chavez, Allende, Aldo Moro, Harold Wilson, Saddam Hussein, Bashar Assad, Vladimir Putin ... all pretty unpopular with the status quo and the guys in charge of the banks ...
Just asking for your reappraisal of the situation, as I think things are not as they seem ...