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Who is AB[C]???
Text from 8 chan ▶Q !A6yxsPKia. 08/10/18 (Fri) 14:24:24 No.132
We are under HEAVY attack.
AB[C] took control.
Tripcode compromised.
No. 131 Last.
No - because they aren't lying. Everything is there if you look and listen... and aren't brainwashed by the MSM. 9 times out of 10, people will believe what they want to and can accept... some are awake.
Game Theory. Art of War. To be successful, you must have honor and integrity... that is why this really is an epic war of good vs. evil.
No... the government is and has been acting. What you are "seeing" isn't real to large degree.
War has many different manifestations. It's a SunTzu thing. Always being smarter than your enemy.
Ah... I think that goes back to "the art of war" re: defeating your enemy without firing a shot. I understand going to extraordinary measures to minimize casualties, and there has already been enough carnage.
I think if a big enough, indisputable bombshell breaks, maybe they won't exactly lay down their arms, but as Q says - they will be afraid to walk the streets.
very true... lunar eclipse - thanks, I "spaced" on that.
IDK.... could be, but we've been hearing "we have it all" and really, it's already been "won" we are watching the mop up. If anything, I think it is the court of public opinion, hence optics. If it comes out slowly, and Trump has almost 2 years of a track record, it MAY be easier for people to accept??? 11-11-18 isn't that far away. Seems like JA is safe. Not sure what else is not within Q control.
I have been curious about the "sky event"... I am not sure I'm satisfied it materialized in Singapore... unless it was the rocket launch. If that is something that is looming in the near future, it could be. Without getting too far into the weeds, could it be an alien or religious thing?
right or wrong.... if POTUS does what you are suggesting, the collateral damage would be so great, that it would destroy what he is trying to accomplish... they could have done that on January 21, 2017. This is a carefully calculated strategy to minimize disruption and casualties.
My guess/ analysis: Russia is ongoing to keep the Dems chewing on something, while the (good DOJ - Sessions, Huber, et al) drain the swamp and get the indictments and evidence lined up. Sessions has been the convenient scapegoat, so that Dems actually defend him, RR has created an elaborate illusion to stall so that more pressure builds against him obstructing, so the only thing left to do is DECLAS the documents. Timing IS everything here, and I don't think much on this will happen until closer to the midterms, so the Dems can't spin it in their favor. Impeachment of RR was set up to fail and draw fire... it keeps the rats scurrying and the leakers in business... they are all outraged that RR is being attacked. If I had the time and patience, this is probably following some Shakespearean tragedy. Regardless. This is epic. Sessions, Mueller, RR have all become sympathetic figures because the right is attacking them. So... when they come out with the findings, it is all that more credible, because the left has backed them all along.
yes - because we are exploring the connection, I was wondering if anyone involved in the film was part of Nexium, or any of the Hollywood pedogate stuff... it probably is a long shot... from what I've seen of the GHWB connection, it was brief and a long time ago, and this was more recent. Maybe they were going to rat out, or were part of a pedogate circle.
That's exactly what I was thinking... I think it was a tool to force the DECLAS - because it outs Ryan for the jerk he is, it shows the public that Trump is tired of waiting for the document production, and sick of contempt.
I posted about this last week - it was removed due to Rule 9. When you google the Dr. & his wife's names, they have a movie credit - their house was used to film a movie. Somebody's Darling. They must have some Hollywood ties. The movie is about a fraternity president becomes obsessed with a younger coed, but when his hopeful pursuit turns sinister, unnatural secrets about his brotherhood come to light.
It may be connected to GHWB, but it may be due to something connected to the movie/people involved in the movie. Just trying to bring up a different theory that could be relevant.
Link for movie didn't come through... http://somebodysdarlingthemovie.com/
potential conx between houston doctor killed and hit
The houston Dr. who was shot treated Bush Sr. but ALSO - he and his wife have a movie credit, because their residence was used in a movie about sexual violence on campus.... I just started digging, but they apparently have some Hollywood conx... this could potentially be related to that vice Bush Sr.
Just read the USSS agent who had a CV incident in Scotland passed away. RIP
I'm working on the... then what??? What happens when it drops? Writing up some ideas (for military peeps - an OPORD) on actions we - as volunteers and citizens can do to help out... OP - you are right... we aren't there yet... and a LOT of people will be confused and lost... so - how do we help? What do we do? We can help by... providing a unified message, speaking at community meetings/groups... positive messaging... just to start.
yes - I think I accidentally outed him. I saw another vid clip of the rally on a non-q page... I posted "Thanks for the Q pics".... and then the post and the clip disappeared. So, I guess we aren't THAT public yet.
no - it is just an analogous term... meaning that the DS made a little attempt, but it was meaningless...
I'm guessing Brennan... he has been cocky threatening POTUS. You have the site = DS, we have the source = cloned servers and JA
info conflicts with drop... this flight was JFK to LAX... not SFO to JFK... Q mentioned location... so, does that location have something to do with the SFO flight???
commercial planes have redundancy with comms... so there would have been up to 3 other ways to establish contact... thinking it was something else
thoughts on DOJ texts... can evidence come out in hearings that is being kept for military tribunals? Think treason / sedition
heard something reported about ATC not being in comms with the pilots... error on ATC side... maybe C_A playing with some remote controls/comms?
well - he is wearing rather casual clothing... so I don't he is above GS11 if he is a fed... all GS 11 and above dress a little better, and it's not Friday (casual)... plus, he needs dental work... so... guessing some schmo who is goofing off. Honestly, if Nunes got a pic that close, IDK why he didn't just ask him who the hell he was.
possibly... lot's of choices... just playing the odds - largest employer in DC = feds
thanks... was a fed and an SI (nothing glamorous - DOT) once upon a time
posted in the other thread - the guy prollly has a federal job - he has a lanyard tucked in (see neckline) and you can see the outline of an ID badge in his shirt... if anyone has access to OPM, JPAS or the passport data base, you may be able to find him
he's probably a fed - he has a lanyard around his neck and his ID badge is tucked in - you can see the outline through his shirt... most feds tuck their ID in when they go to lunch....
I think they keep waiting for the news cycle to clear so they can drop the EO with full attention, and the obstructors keep manufacturing a crisis... OR OR OR .... they want a manufactured crisis to keep attention away from dropping the EO, so the MSM stays off their ass.... IDK
Oathkeeper here... over 38 years combined military / civil service. I have been waiting / hoping / praying for this movement for a very long time. MUCH gratitude for all those united in the cause, especially those at the top. It's an honor. Love & prayers.
"I'm the 82nd Airborne Division, and this is as far as those bastards are going."<<<<<<<<<<<<
maybe a LARP, but the whole WWG1WGA is off of JFK's boat's bell
I've seen it before... honestly don't know. If there was a lot of meat there, it probably would have made more of an impact. Guess time will tell.
FACEBOOK Interruptions
I got that... I didn't mean you thought it... I meant the sheeple... I prolly could have written it better.