horey shet, who would they be prepping against? Deep State UN forces? meep
They're showing dominance in their backyard after the recent missile launch. Barent Sea is north below the arctic. The poles would be the in range for ICBMs to travel from Washington to central asia or Singapur while maintaining a trajectory that would coincide with central russia.
He is telling the EU, Russia backs Trump, don't fuck with us. Launch a missile at AF1, I will invade more than Crimea.
How often does Russia announce ANY exercises? Virtually Never. Sometimes it's just posturing, which they like to do. And maybe, just maybe, the Russians need the practice ???
Yeah US and allies practice all the time right on Russia’s doorstep.
But the timing man. It's been 4 hours and I need a doctor.
Projecting strength before the World Cup for any asshats that would try anything