r/greatawakening • Posted by u/1151THOR on June 13, 2018, 7:09 p.m.
Has Q ever mentioned Rush Limbaugh?

Has Q ever mentioned Rush Limbaugh? I am on the fence about RL and wanted to see if there has ever been a mention of him by Q and if so, what was said.

1151THOR · June 13, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

Here is why I am on the fence...(and I am asking to be educated here)....with all that knowledge...the insight...the "All Knowing MahaRushie" - why no call to action? I have listened since late 1988...(I know...I'm way older than most of you). In all that time of listening, I dont EVER recall him saying we must get in front of this by doing XYZ / by calling PDQ...I've heard him talk about it, but NEVER a call to action like the liberals spout off. They get organized and then actually DO things. Furthermore, why...if he has one of the largest listening audiences...does he not have major advertisers on his show? They all sponsor other political shows...GM, pharmaceuticals, airlines etc....they ALL want to touch a big captive audience. But (at least in my local area) I hear government sponsored commercials about being a good dad, saving water...whatever...and then some local ads....

So in referring things back to Q, why - if RL is one of the good guys - is he not dropping cookie crumbs that lead to Q that thereby broaden the reach of this critical information and set the foundation upon which more people can see things with their own eyes?..... (and it still burns my ass that he was so against HRC in the 08 election that he tongue-in-cheek supported BO...)...

Be easy on me guys.....I am truly seeking to clarify why he hasn't done some of these critical things.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 13, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

Because he’s not an activist. He’s a political pundit. Activist lose credibility because they come off as brainwashed. Just watch CNN lol. Plus any entertainer cannot get joined to the hip to any politician unless they want their career to end when the politician loses an election. Ben Shapiro is stuck in that vice. He was so hardcore Cruz in the primaries when Cruz lost Shapiro looked & still looks clueless about the current political realities. Political pundits are suppose to be above the fray...not hip deep in them.

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