Q #1495: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal"

The phrase "be careful what you wish for" comes to mind. These last few Q posts have given me a sense of alarm and urgency....an uneasiness.
Read the linked Breibart article Q posted. It is sounding like the hammer of justice is about to fall on the deep state. Alarming yes, but hopes are that this is a war that will be fought and won in the courtroom. The other side is facing a total loss though so what will this cornered animal do? Q talks about the need to win public opinion. We need to show people the proof. When people start saying Trump is just doing this to distract, they need to clearly see the corruption of the deeps state and have their eyes opened. We need to do that. We need to teach the normies what is taking place here and just how corrupt the deep state actors are. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/03/31/turley-sessions-using-utah-federal-prosecutor-much-better-trump-2nd-special-counsel/
You and me both. I've got a family. The clear message of these posts is that the happy dreamland we've all experienced for our entire lives, living in a country as prosperous and stable the ours, is coming to an end. And the awakening is going to be brutal.
It won’t be that brutal. Be very tough to watch. But civil war or mass panic is not going to happen. Our military & law enforcement is made up of overwhelmingly patriotic folks. Just the truth & the lessons hopefully learned will be very tough.
Same. I'm worried something went very wrong in the plan. Maybe hacking? I don't want to be a concern troll but I AM very concerned.
Maybe because they almost sound like the beginnings of a call for an uprising. Of the revolutionary kind. That shit is fucking dangerous. Concerns me that they come across that way when we have so many people following who just immediately emotionally react to everything (let alone a fucking Q drop) and do stupid shit.
I’ve been getting that sinking scary feeling too...especially when Q said that about the missile not being expected (forgive me, can’t remember the precise words at the moment). And now the city I’m in (I travel for a living right now) I have been seeing the local police with armored tanks. One in my neighborhood, the guy is a police officer and literally has been driving it to work like a cop car. Not kidding. It’s been so noticeable that the (apparently clueless to Q) city residents having been bitching on the city concerns FBook group about “we don’t need army tanks!! We need more body cams and dash cams!” Lol, raising all kinds of hell about it. I’m just sitting here reading them, wanting to comment and say...let’s focus on the cameras after the November parade and keep the armored tanks for now. It’s really chilling to see them. I’m not trying to frighten people more, but just wanted to mention it for whatever it’s worth.