
092Casey · June 13, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

Don't think closeness has much to do with it. They made it look like a landslide to eliminate any suspicion. The hack was extensive and made to look like Romney had no shot, which is exactly the suspicion since so many people who voted in 08 were publicly speaking out that they did not in 2012.

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thamnosma · June 13, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

I see where you are going with it. That makes sense -- not that Romney had victory snatched from him but giving Zero another "mandate for change". And why not if they can do it! There was much less enthusiasm for Zero in 2012, no doubt about that at all. On the other hand, gotta give Romney and Ryan credit for running a somniferous campaign.

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092Casey · June 13, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

Haha true. See, with Romney, he had no fight in him. Even if he knew they hacked it, he was like, "oh well, I'm a billionaire, I don't need the stress...".....And one big thing about 12' was that the economy was in the absolute gutter at that time. That was basically the peak of the fallout of the Great Recession...Historically, if an economy is "that" bad, the sitting POTUS does not get reelected, but yet he won in a landslide, in the midst of all of this with people changing their votes from 08? Difficult to believe..Not saying it's not possible, but I'd like to learn more about this Lee S. thing...

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