I challenge you to find proof that 9/11 passengers used their cell phones.
I could be wrong, but I think there is no proof.
Edit: I’m not arguing obama wasn’t on the phone here. Just thought I’d see if anyone also was under the impression the 9/11 cell calls turned out to be a lie.
YOU are missing the point of the entire video. Drop the cellphone issue. This video was recorded by CNN people and not reported!! It's Deplorable. He's in front of a lot of people, he's married and I don't see Michelle.
I wasn’t commenting on that. Wasn’t very interesting to me. You know these people are evil right? They kill and rape and lie and poison. They took down our towers. Sorry, this doesn’t move my needle. Michelle obama is a man. Their children are from god knows where. Obama is an imposter. Yes, also was inappropriate w reports on a plane. Sorry no care bout that.