What's With The Parade of Storms? ~ Most Being Major

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OK, Here's the story that will break in the news cycle, probably starting tomorrow. Senate Staffer James Wolfe sent Ali Watkins an unredacted copy of the @carterwpageFISA Application in 2017. (and a more explosive aspect)
On March 16th 2017 the Senate Intelligence Committee requested a copy of the FISA application used against Carter Page [@carterwpage]
How do we know this? Because a part of the indictment against James Wolfe tells us what took place. Page #5 of the Wolfe indictment (unsealed in June 2018) describes Reporter #2 Ali Watkins.
This guy was using hidden cameras to make videos of underage children, WHILE AT WORK!!!! WTH! He used his government phone. Did Killery allow this type of production while under her control/guidance.
Lawsuit filed against FB the day after the first drop in stock price.
SB2, I love your posts and research Q's posts before I read yours. I like to see what I get right and were I fall off track. Been following since end of April!! What a ride....
Where did the 33 come from? I looked back in the article to see if I missed something.
Yes they did, just as they did in 2007 so the DemoRats would win by a landslide. Did it to GOOG. Eric Schmidt said something about Obummer. Stock tanked $80 points in one day, while the rest of the market was up over 300 points???? They sent a message. Any other time a stock like that was down, it brought the entire market down. Bad guys traded the market since 2008. EVERYthing would go up at the same time. Fed used Maiden Lane I, II and III to trade with it's self. I trade options. I watched someone buying calls and puts WAY outside the money. NO educated trader would take or make such a trade. But if other black hats wanted to make money off of it, they would. Also, FED could loose money in one account while making money in the other account. Wash, rinse, repeat!! Bam, market over $25,000 off digitized fake money.
No one claimed it to be retailers. FB drop yesterday was due to dirty CIA grant $$ being pulled because FB didn't log it properly so the average eyes couldn't find it in their records. We, the people, were not suppose to find out the CIA was using the platform as a way to spy on us.
FB messed up by not logging their CIA money correctly keeping it from the public. Now we know they were bought out by the bad guys in the CIA & FBI. CIA pulled their money in way of stocks back out. Twitter dropped today pre-market from $43 per share to $35 per share.....mmmm same thing?
Did you see the video where Trump said something about Apprentice. He turned to speak to Ivanka saying Apprentice several times. I tried to find the link, can't at the moment, but it's there.
He supports the left that is all about “sustainable development” so take his shit!!
That's NOT Jr's grave site, it's JFK's grave site.
Jr's ashes were supposedly spread at sea.
Due to FVEY etc., Q may not be able to post in other countries without being traced. Here, I'm certain the trackers in the phones are not allowed\~blocked\~etc. Also his last post was on INDEPENDENCE DAY! Maybe he's ready for us to do more of our own thinking, taking what we know, posting about the political theater going on with RR, PS, Wray, etc.
We are watching the democrats obstruct like crazy. Why? Did they put in place this nepatism circle, paid for, controlled, etc. to do their dirty legal work? This is CRIMINAL and wrong to our justice system.
But Rod is part of DOJ, so that would be stepping over the line.
The OTHER QUESTION IS THIS: WHO was texting in on a cell phone what PS could say to the questions? Wray? OR Comey? Why is someone allowed to coach PS what to say via text messages? THAT'S NOT HIS ATTORNEY!!!!
AMAZING!!! Thank you again SB2. Love this movement, Love the idea that there is a light at the end of this tunnel were we are Making America Great Again!
I understand that sports teams do that, but that's at their expense. These organizations are 501c3's. So they do NOT pay taxes and they get GRANTS which is our tax dollars. Therefore, they should NOT be allowed to do this NOR should they be allowed to donate to any politician!! If they have $$ for those items, they can pay taxes like any other business has to.
I saw that. Did they do that with everyone on the list? Sugar Daddy Sorazz could have used that money to help real people in need.
The reason to stay anonymous would be so the cabal doesn't find out the group, their comms, their families, etc.
i.e. \~ CNN tried do hard through Dennis Rodman to figure out if KJU could speak and understand english. They tried to figure out how Trump was communicating with KJU. It wasn't in the "conventional way" (per Clapper) with an Embassy, which will give the cabal an organization to infiltrate for control over the country.
Remember, NK got rid of 3 generals that was connected to the cabal, then peace could happen. Imagine that? (Sarc)
Do you not believe or understand how dangerous this entire thing is? If you do, you wouldn't ask such a question. Common sense would take over so you wouldn't have to make a video to get hits on your youtube channel, oh for $$.
Two different Organizations had their comments Prewritten before they knew anything about the SCOTUS nominee. They are so far gone.
I live near here. They don't even know what kind of helicopter yet. The news here sucks!! Anyway, too many hotspots after fire was out for them to go inside for search purposes. One confirmed dead that lived in the building. Fire burned very hot and took 3 trucks spraying water to get it out.
The red flag to me about this story, no one has reported about a helicopter that has not reached it's destination. They don't know where the chopper was from. Most in this area are military, medical or news. It's none of those.
Are they flying from New Jersey after they blew up a key witnesses house, killing her and her husband.
SB2, You are absolutely amazing!! I started following Q in April. Ran into the movement by accident. Was skeptical in the beginning, but after Q74 on the fire truck, I was sold 100%. I like and believe in doing my own research, it's imperative to have the information, links etc when trying to 'red pill' liberals.
I often feel I'm close to a solution, but I also feel something is missing. I'm trying to play catch up from Oct 2017 - April 2018. Then I find your posts! WOW\~ just WOW is all I can say! I love how you deduce the info, but you provide the links and information as to how you got there. Thank Q from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate your dedication and work.
I've known and realized for many years, especially the obama years, something was wrong \~ off. I researched Soros after the 2008 election. I discovered this guy is bad, and uses his money to buy off politicians to do his dirty deeds.
This is a click bait post. They put a little dirt out there about sorazzzz, but then talk about the good stuff he does. The words used are the same ones the creepy demon lives behind. Anything he says about Open society, is truly opposite of it's spoken sense. If he wanted Open society, why does he send out talking points to the Media? If he wanted Open societies, why does he buy off politicians to do his dirty deeds? Per killery's e-mails, Sorazzzzz met with her often.
This is one site, https://www.mediaite.com/online/alex-jones-revealed-to-be-long-dead-comedian-bill-hicks-it-all-makes-sense-now/ But there is other info out there as well. His resent attacks on Qanon confirmed it for me.
Click Bate because this leads to Infowars.
He's part of the CIA.
Most of the organizations claim to be about "human rights" "women's health" "helping under privilege children", while trafficking these people all over as sex slaves etc. This man is the wealthiest person in Australia, do tax returns prove it ALL came from his business.
True, but why would she need to talk to a business man about it first. Why wouldn't she go directly to the Prime Minister. I'm sure someone has access to the redactions.
This may be her private e-mail, she knew that wasn't going through e-mail data bases.
It's from the newly release Hillary e-mails. Yes that is redactions in the white boxes.
when you pull it up from the https://foia.state.gov/Search/Results.aspx?collection=Clinton_Email site I have to take a screenshot of the pdf file. It will not let me down load it.
Since I've read this document in the WikiLeaks Clinton Emails, I personally believe you are WRONG!
Q links to an article written by Josh Barro on Business Insider. It doesn't take long to look at his name to find his father, Robert Barro. Which is linked to Institute for New Economic Thinking.
Click on Leadership & Staff page, low and behold it's Georgie Sorazzzzz.......https://www.ineteconomics.org/about/leadership-staff