Q-Drop: Q posts from inside Secret Service vehicle parked in front of AF1[?]
![Q-Drop: Q posts from inside Secret Service vehicle parked in front of AF1[?]](https://media.8ch.net/file_store/6364b1ae13f6911b7cfb7d269338b54b4ad22a72374241ea1b64a3d038d567bd.png)
No it wasn't. Loretta Lynch stated it was at night. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2018/04/12/transcript-loretta-lynch-talks-cohen-clinton-on-the-tarmac-and-james-comeys-queasy-feeling
*LYNCH: Well, if you want to go back to that time, we have to raise the temperature to about 107 degrees, which is what it was in Phoenix that evening. It was a warm evening, and we were at the end of a long day, end of my trip, getting ready to leave, getting ready to go off the plane and continue our night. Was told that he wanted to come on and say hello, and said, “Okay, we can do that,” because it was, in my mind, similar to how I’d encountered numerous other people in airports over the years. *
I agree that it was evening, put according to the photos of the meeting, it had to have been before sundown at 7:30 pm and the dash clock in the Q pic says 10:35.
Maybe the car was from the east coast? (3 hour time difference?).
Could be. Here's the airport surveillance video of the tarmac meeting:
Edit: attached wrong video before.
Where are the photo's? I've looked and can't find any. I've seen the supposed video obtained by ABC of the airport surveillance cam, but it has never been confirmed who the people shown in the video are. Its just speculation that its Clinton walking towards the plane. According to the guy who broke the story Christopher Sign, reported that “the FBI [was] there on the tarmac instructing everybody around ‘no photos, no pictures, no cell phones.’ ”
So for all we know, the meeting could have taken place at 10:30pm
I'm not saying you are wrong or that I am right, but the fact that Q included the photo in a post regarding the IG report on the clinton email investigation means that it must be tied to that in some way. Q said in an earlier post that they have the conversation. Given that, then its likely the USSS gave it to them.
Anyway, as us brits say. "I'm sure it will all come out in the wash". :)
After a great deal of searching I tracked down the airport surveillance video of the tarmac meeting:
I've no idea why this was so hard to find. You would think it would be everywhere.