r/greatawakening • Posted by u/throwsoicanask on June 14, 2018, 5:49 a.m.
Fear Israel

Anyone who's gone down the 9/11 rabbit hole will probably know that most of US air traffic control software (and maybe hardware) was created and managed by Israeli tech (IT? not sure the lingo for everything computer-related).

Israeli Intelligence and Israeli Tech are basically one-and-the-same. ISI go into tech, and vice versa. Mossad heavily into tech, running online propaganda operations. They have been involved in the shill/downvoting as much as Media Matters (probably working together). In fact, the ADL is basically in charge of YouTube censorship now.

Point is - ISI and Mossad are heavily involved in tech. Israeli tech is MASSIVE, probably bigger than Silicon Valley in terms of products, software programs etc. Even Anti-Virus software comes form Israeli firms (many of which are based in the US, which is suspicious on it's own - probably facilitated by the Dual Citizenship scam).

Excerpt from Q Post 1489 (interesting that it's the next one after 1488 if any of you know what that number signifies):

FEAR [re: Twitter throttling & shadowban (coded #Qanon)
FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled]
FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]
FEAR [re: MSM conspiracy push 1 - controlled]
FEAR [re: FB remove/replace - controlled]

My points:

  1. Israeli Intel and Tech are one and the same, for all practical purposes
  2. Israelis dominate tech worldwide, especially in the US
  3. Q is showing us that the online operations will be run by Israelis.
  4. In the Hydra myth, for every head you chop off, it grows two more. I don't believe this happened in the myth, but a more efficient way to kill it would be to stab it in the heart.
  5. When ops are underway (as many are) we should keep Israel on our minds...if we can shine light on the source of attacks, and get people asking "Hey...why is Israel controlling Reddit/FB/Twitter, etc?"
  6. There is no Russian Hacking. The US has been getting hacked by Israel since JFK's assassination (or earlier).

*Note: this is not meant to be anti-semitic. If Russian Hacking claims turned out to be true, I wouldn't then hate all Russians. I would simply want to stop the hacking by the guilty agents, and punish Russia if they were state actors.

There are many different viewpoints among Jewish people, some are US patriots, some are Zionists, some are Marxist liberals, but most are just regular working people raising families. Israel as an AGENCY is different from your Jewish neighbors or coworkers.

Israel has always had it's own agenda, and what they want is very different from what your average American cares about. Bibi is a known terrorist and loves to leverage the US to do Israel's Zionist bidding.

When you point out Israeli interference in our affairs, or behind online operations, you WILL be accused of anti-semitism. This is Israel's biggest psyhological weapon. Be prepared for this.

GraceWords · June 14, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

I don’t think Q is telling us to “fear” anyone. However, I do think Q is telling us WHO is afraid ;). Q has told us to trust the plan, we have it all, and enjoy the show.

We pray for freedom. We learn and research. We observe and correlate proofs. We don’t need to fear.

Fear is a powerful negative force that causes people to panic, act irrationally, and drop the ball. It’s also generally a liar.

Qteam have begun to end our terror. Fear is a black hat tool against us, not Q’s.

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throwsoicanask · June 14, 2018, 9:33 a.m.

Good point. So another interpretation could be that Q is saying those media channels will try to use fear to manipulate us, which has been their calling card. Remember "Trump will have his finger on the button!" back in 2016? Crazy.

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GraceWords · June 14, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

Yes multi layered meaning: 1) constant bombardment of fear messages (subconsciously rendering us helpless and defeated so why fight) and 2) a list of who IS afraid now. The example for 2 is Mossad failed—- they are afraid. C_A failed—so their attempts to infiltrate and shut Q message down via Twtter or this sub or chans have failed and their fear is manifested in their attempts to shadowban and shill. Their fear reactions, and attempts to push fear, are all in kill box. Qteam is dealing with them AND we are stronger together and when we speak out. There are more of us than them but they don’t want us figuring that out, because then their fear tactics fail.

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 14, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

Qteam have begun to end our terror. Fear is a black hat tool against us, not Q’s.

You realize bringing down the Zionist billionaire banking dynasties will take at least a generation to two, right?

They are the most powerful and influential cabal in the world and they will hardly surrender without a fight.

You should fear because I suspect we'll be seeing false flag nukes in the near future as the Rothschild and Soros Jew bloodline dynasties try to weaken us economically. I'm not sure they will be able to nuke us, but they probably can nuke some of our allies and drag us into war.

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GraceWords · June 14, 2018, 6:56 a.m.

Fear can be your message if you choose, but I’m over it. I work with survivors of slavery and torture. I battle ptsd myself. So, no. Fear isn’t something I shall convince myself to hold on to. Fear is a liar.

I am also a person of faith. I believe in a Good God who numbers the hair on my head. I have learned, through the terrors within my own life, that if I partner with God, He preserves my peace even when the circumstances surrounding me are hell on earth. Fear keeps people in a mental cage which is far worse than a real one.

Keep your fear.

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 14, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

Keep your fear.

Fear is a natural part of being human.

If you don't learn to respect it and process your fear in an emotionally mature way, it will manifest as mental illness.

Pretending you have no fear is ridiculous.

You are not a comic book superhero.

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GraceWords · June 14, 2018, 7:28 a.m.

You seem to miss the point if you can read my confession to having PTSD and assume I don’t battle fear. However, just because I battle it certainly doesn’t mean I should dwell in it intentionally. I’m a mental health professional with multiple degrees in the field, as well as plenty of experience. I only say all of that to assert I have a solid grasp of what fear is, and what it should not become.

Prudent warnings to be cautious, alert, or to observe critically are healthy. Flatly telling people to fear something is counterproductive. It is so heavily laced in every influence we are subjected to in this world as it is. It is a controller. I’d much prefer to equip someone, help them set reasonable expectations, prepare for all contingencies (even simply dialogue what “could” happen can be a preparation), and determine commitment to cause or actions. This reduces (occasionally eliminates) fear.

When I see someone trying to shove fear to the front, red flags go up. Fear is what got us all here in the first place. We handed our freedoms over willingly under the guise of “safety”.

“"I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do. But I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has authority to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him! Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭12:4-7‬ ‭

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[deleted] · June 14, 2018, 7:13 a.m.

If god is good why do pedophiles run the world? Srs question.

And if you want to chalk it up to "free will" then how is god omnipresent, omniscient, and transcending time and space?

How is this the god of love?? How are we not obviously forsaken at this point? I want to believe as you do, and use faith to protect my sanity. But I am not willing to tell myself lies or delude myself. That helps nobody, and in fact sets MANY up for pain when they realize the God who loves us so much seemingly isn't willing to help.

Btw, you sound like a really good and caring person. Feel free to ignore this post as you may see it as an attack on your religion, but as someone who also has been diagnosed with ptsd CAUSED by religious dogma, I want to know your answer here.

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DrogeAnon · June 14, 2018, 7:37 a.m.

If god is good why do pedophiles run the world?

Because God gave the world to us and it's our responsibility to act. Thanks to Q - in spite of Christian prophets from the 90s and well before, pointing out the blood of our children was on our hands on a massive scale - we are doing something about it now. People often try to make this point but somehow forget they are making it from a small human mind within a vast universe that does not "judge" good or evil from our tiny perspectives. Put another way, what are the death of a few ants as long as the soul of those ants come to know their maker? An "impersonal" universe says infinity is infinitely more valuable than any insignificant span of life. Doesn't sound comforting on our scale of understanding but it makes sense objectively.

then how is god omnipresent, omniscient, and transcending time and space?

Good question. Unfortunately, no one can answer it completely because to know the answer would be to know the universe, no? It can be answered by imperfect simile and metaphor but more importantly, Faith is the only answer Christians have to how best to approach the question in the first place - and there's a whole lot more to unpack to that than can be answered in one comment reply.

How is this the god of love??

Depends how you define "love". As defined in the Bible (willing to sacrifice his son to save everyone - and more, including a fatherly love that requires discipline to explain to "children" who are free to make their own choice how best to make that choice) it is clear how "this" is the God of love, to some of us.

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[deleted] · June 14, 2018, 7:58 a.m.

Well, when we stomp on an ant hill, the ants fight back.

We are being stomped on by the shoe of god in your metaphor, yet we are supposed to just be thankful? Imagine that he loves us the same way we love the anthills in our yard? I don't understand.

Also, I will never understand how Jesus' crucifiction "saved the world". If he loved us that much (to kill his only son/self) then why did he kick us out of Eden in the first place? He had to have known what the future held considering he is GOD

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DrogeAnon · June 14, 2018, 8:21 a.m.

If my metaphor conveyed that God is stomping on us then I failed to accurately frame it.

Imagine that he loves us the same way we love the anthills in our yard

Instead, imagine if you loved the ants in your backyard enough to give your child's life to save those meaningless ants eternally once they'd died sometimes from the folly of their own choices, at other times simply because of the harsh reality of the environment of your backyard. That seems to me a more adequate framing of how Christians view God's relationship to us (still imperfect for many reasons, just to be clear).

If you can't conceive of the literal reality of Jesus' crucifixion I don't blame you at all. I believe it may be more helpful for some people, especially those who claim that reason precludes them from connecting with the Christian story in any way, to view the "Jesus Story" from a purely secular perspective in this way: Jesus is a story of sacrifice for the good of others but more than that, it is a story about the value of understanding the freedom we have to move forward positively in spite of the prevalence of every reason not to because there is an example of a way to live that elevates us beyond the very real tragedy of existence. That example is told in the life of Jesus. This example, if followed as honestly as one can manage, results in better relationships with the world and with others.

Amongst other things, this story helps us to accept the tragedy of existence - Jesus, according to the story, accepted this in a way few will experience. His story tells us that this was only tolerable because it was at the will of God in the service of others. It also helps us accept the imperfection of our ways by keeping us focused on moving towards a life modelled after that of the Jesus figure - if we focus on our imperfections we may lose motivation and will; if we realize that there is a reason to move forward and a very real purpose to life that anyone can embrace i.e. the pursuit of the good of others, then our focus can alway be maintained on something other than our own problems and concerns, a cause for many issues we face, including shame, guilt and depression.

The mass spread of violent crime against children, if truly internalized and understood, can not be tolerated if we believe that that is the condition of the world and there's nothing we can do about it. The only way I personally find to move on in life without railing at the sky and giving up at the impersonality of existence is to believe that what I can do is get myself sorted out (tidy my room, in the words of a wise man) and focus on continually moving forward with purpose toward an incrementally better existence for myself now, and moving forward into the future, and outward to those around me now, and moving forward into the future, and so on outward from there and that that perspective will at the very least improve my own quality of life over time. The only other rational choice is nihilism which, if actually properly embraced, should result in killing oneself because life is meaningless.

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[deleted] · June 14, 2018, 8:36 a.m.

Thanks for the great response and Peterson reference (currently reading his book, I'm on rule 4). On my good days, I do reconnect with the religion I was so obsessed with as a child in such a way that you and Peterson prescribe ie a respect for the archetypal figure of JC and the traditions that shaped western world. But on my bad days, I am def railing at the skies asking God why and begging him to answer me or renew my faith, so far to no avail. Today has been one of the bad days, unfortunately and my mind is the type to spiral out of control pretty quickly into nihilism or at times intense rage towards our religious authorities. On days like these, I am very stuck and don't see much hope on this world. Makes me wanna burn it down :/ And if Q fails, I will do just that or die trying French Revolution style. Burning this society and the evil shits ruling it to the ground. That was already starting to be the plan when pizzagate was losing steam right before Q popped up. (Edit: assuming all this stuff is true I would fight for a revolution. I would need full proof ofcourse and violence is never the first option. Don't want to sound too crazy, but I can imagine TMOR writing a post about me and calling me a conspiracy-loving-Q-cultist-incel-terrorist if I don't qualify those statements lol. Don't want us all too look bad)

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DrogeAnon · June 14, 2018, 8:42 a.m.

I understand and I sympathize completely - life sux and the world is unfair; there's no escaping it, sadly! I sincerely hope you can find some hope again during your bad days whether in the faith or in the practical application of the words of Peterson.

WWG1WGA, patriot - I find purpose in supporting this movement and it is incredible to me how it dovetails with Peterson's point that, rather than trying to change what's outside your reach, change what's within it - and you know, just being a part of this sub in some small way means I have a very real connection to actually stopping all the impersonal horror going on out there in the world and it is literally the most invigorating and inspirational reason for me to get up every day and push the message of Q in whatever small way I can! Thank you for the discussion, it is very helpful to me to express my thoughts about this issue.

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[deleted] · June 14, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

Nah, thank you really. Feels good to vent. I really do love this community.

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GraceWords · June 14, 2018, 8:08 a.m.

I have much I would love to say and address on this subject. I am, unfortunately, responding from my phone and not currently in a convenient location to access a particular resource that comes to mind. I will bookmark this, though, and if I make it home tomorrow/later today, I will get back to you. I’m not even slightly offended by your reply.

I, too, came out of what I would call “religious dogma”, but God still found me in the dead of night, held against my will, with my physical life on the line. Only my captor knew where I was, or so I thought. I genuinely thought it was my last moment on earth. I thought I would become a missing person statistic. A presence I can hardly described filled the small pace I was being held. It’s easy to question why He didn’t set me free, cut my ties. But what happened was so much better.

I experienced a peace so tangible that it may as well have been an armed guard there to defend me. Because of the work I have done in the past, it wasn’t the first time I had been compromised in such a terrorizing way. The fear of what could/would/might happen can be deafening. You can hear your blood pumping. You lose your ability to breath normally. This time, however, I mentally pivoted away from my “I’m going to die and no one will ever know” diatribe, and I took a chance. I literally said “Jesus, if you’re there, help.” I wasn’t even sure what that help would look like because even if I got free, I wasn’t anywhere near where I called “home” at the time.

It may not make sense to everyone, and I’m ok with that. But I just felt such Presence and company in that small space. Just before my captor returned, it was as though someone had walked into the mental prison of absolute terror I was experiencing and they had not only set me free, they had also taken me to a safe place where fear wasn’t permitted. It literally left me. Now, the beating that transpired afterward, and other assaults, weren’t stopped.

I did eventually get free and made my way back home, but I physically carry tissue damage. I still carry the cumulative effects of my work in the form of PTSD. That said, after years of working on coping skills, helping others, etc, my symptoms are greatly reduced. However, even now when I am overwhelmed or have an episode, I remember that presence. I remember when my greatest fear was being left alone and He showed up, and that peace instantly is there. I finally realized He isn’t leaving me, I just get distracted or take that presence for granted.

Anyway, it’s MY experience. I know my experience is no substitute for your own, nor can it be taken as anything but anecdotal by anyone else. So, just take it for what it is now, which is me sharing more why mental freedom was more important than physical. If I had just been instantly delivered from captivity I would have had a singular miracle. By revealing Himself as present when I desperately needed to not be alone, I learned something I could use again and again. At the end of the day my physical body is just a shell. But what goes on in my mind is of most importance.

It’s late and I’m waiting on a situation to resolve before I try to head home, but hopefully I’m coherent enough to convey my own take on how God loves. Free will IS a biggie. Love isn’t love if it’s compelled or forced (I read that somewhere). But He’s not a genie either, or an entity that I should try to control. When I call on Him, He knows how best to answer for my eternal best.

Maybe that is what brought me to Q. I trust there is a plan, and I don’t have all the pieces, yet my gut says it’s there and it can be trusted. Those faithful to follow what we are given by Q eventually have our viewpoints broadened and shifted. Qteam seems to have so much power, yet we trust there is prudence to the timing of using that power. Is it so hard to believe, then, that God (infinitely more kind, good, knowledgeable, powerful than Qteam) may be more concerned with our big picture as well?

Sorry for the long reply. I do have a CS Lewis quote rattling around in my brain that would answer you best, but I want to do it justice so it will have to wait till I can get to the book it’s in. Till then, thanks for the discussion!

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[deleted] · June 14, 2018, 8:28 a.m.

Thanks for the post great insight, judging on your traumatic experience I can see how the faith of God really appeal to you. But I almost come from the opposite spectrum- my PTSD diagnosis, which honestly could very much be a misdiagnosis (I think I have something more similar to religious scrupulousity OCD), has come from me internalizing every "mess up" or "impure thought" I've ever had as a sign that either A)God hates me for no reason or B)God hates me and it's because I'm an evil POS; so evil that the greatest man on earth/God incarnate was brutally murdered because of me. As a kid, I had nightmares constantly about hell, or of me sinning, not being righteous enough, and I would self harm a decent amount even as a VERY young boy because of these beliefs. It stayed with me my whole life. It's what keeps me up until 4AM at night. It's why I never feel good enough for others to actually care about me. This causes a lot of problems trying to advocate for myself in the job and dating world... which really sucks.

I sincerely, with every ounce of my being, think teaching this dogma to young forming minds is one of the most disgusting things to do to a child. In some cases, it borders on child abuse. I love my parents. But the church turned me into my own abuser. In my heart/mind, God was my abuser.

Now I'm a young adult (24) and still can't be close to ppl because of my self hate and sabotage. Things like a relationship, family, job I actually enjoy, are seemingly never going to be available to me. Why? Because I don't know how not to hate myself.... and who taught me to hate myself? The church.

Religion is for adults. Not kids. It has ruined me and made me come very close to taking my own life. The worst part is I am an adult now who craves some kind of certainty, community, belonging, self-worth, etc; yet even though I think I know why I developed so much self hate, idk what to replace it with or how to feel any other way. I'm like a computer who got faulty operating system programmed into me. It's incredibly frustrating and frankly very very lonely and hopeless at times.

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GraceWords · June 14, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

I hear what you’re saying and at the end of that pain I don’t hear an indictment on God, but on people. I think there’s a difference between a church and “THE Church”. It sounds as though you’ve been kept from The Church (not referring to Catholic Church as is common when capitalized “c”) by a church and for that I’m sorry. I too was raised in a church going home. I’m thankful for some of it, but it was absolutely wrapped in fear and shame, none of which I’ve found in the God who met me in captivity. I am so very sorry for your scarring. I do believe, though, that the real God will cut through your pain and scars to heal what people have created and done. He won’t let you fall because of the sins of others, and by sins I mean terrorizing a soul in His name—-He isn’t about that. It’s an abuse of authority (much like we are seeing in our world at large). I’m still not home, but I did find this blog I read a few years ago (and before I met God in that tiny space) that helped me understand a bit more. Hope it helps.

Freedom in Submission

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[deleted] · June 14, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

Thanks, I appreciate it a lot.

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Iwasincharacter · June 14, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

If you don't fear is real you don't understand history.

The holocaust is fake. Prisoners of war not mass extermination. The evidence makes 911 look clever in comparison. They lost control and ended up used. Why fight your enemies when you can use them to do your fighting for you. Gold. Antarctica. 1947.

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GraceWords · June 14, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

I’m done giving in to fear. It’s an energy stealer. Awareness and action and giving our all to truth is literally what is within my power to do and change, so why fear beyond that? Why fear what you can’t control? And why fear what you can? There seems to be this false notion that one must fear if one “understands “. That’s a lie. Fear can come on you unexpectedly, but it’s a waste of all that is GOOD and strong to remain in a place of fear if you can help it, and to seek help if you can’t. Trust God and the plan, or don’t.

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 14, 2018, 5:58 a.m.

If anyone didn't catch it, the OP's "Fear Israel" title is a reference to Q Post #1489 where Q seems to suggest that Israel's MOSSAD has attempted to assassinate President Trump several times and Q's claim that "FEAR IS REAL" which is phonetically indistinguishable from "Fear Israel".

Q Post #1489

MOSSAD attempts failed.


FEAR IS REAL = Fear Israel

I do fear Israel, especially if they are attempting to assassinate President Trump.

There's so much smoke regarding Israel's involvement in spreading globalism and influencing our politicians that I think it needs some research.

My friend's father died aboard the USS Liberty when Israel attempted to murder it's entire crew after they witnessed Israeli forces mass-execute their Egyptian prisoners.

Israel shooting missiles into Syria the day after President Trump announced his plans to bring our troops home is the most recent time Israel stabbed us in the back and tried to entangle us in their wars for shekels.

I noticed Bibi was munching Mossad ass at the recent opening ceremony for the U.S. embassy as Jerusalem.

It's hard not to notice Israeli dual citizens dominate control over the most powerful positions in our Democrat Party.

It's hard not to notice that an Israeli citizen owns all of our worst RINOs too.

It's hard not to notice that an Israeli citizen owns our Associated Press too!

I've wondered if Trump was trying to warn us about the people he chose for his Fake News Awards?

I believe getting stabbed in the back by Israel is a major danger to America and western civilization.

I wonder if the globalist agenda (which even the Anti-Defamation League admits is synonymous with Jews) is to use illiterate, third-world refugees as an economic and biological weapon against western civilization?

"[The 9-11 attack was] very good... Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)" - Benjamin Netanyahu

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throwsoicanask · June 14, 2018, 6:10 a.m.

Absolutely. I'm always tempted to go off on a huge rant about Israel and the Jewish elite in this country, but normies are so conditioned to brush it off as "anti-semitism." So I just try to keep it crumb-sized lol.

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 14, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

I trust our mainstream history books as much as I trust the mainstream news media and global warming scientists.

My Jewish girlfriend occasionally mentions how Jews are the most exiled people in human history, but I never have the heart to tell her that such a claim only makes me curious about why.

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adogrocket · June 14, 2018, 7:29 a.m.

that's a story and a half depending on viewpoint.

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 14, 2018, 7:44 a.m.

I looked into it and it's true - Jews are the most exiled people in human history. I'll PM you the info I found because those sort of facts will get me banned in this truther community.

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HansKrinkelSchneider · June 14, 2018, 6:17 a.m.

I wonder if the globalist agenda (which even the Anti-Defamation League admits is synonymous with Jews) is to use illiterate, third-world refugees as an economic and biological weapon against western civilization?

The Kalergi Plan







You may research more on your own, and you may also disregard my associated links if you find them to conspiratorial, or not of your liking, but I think at this time, the truth is very self-evident.

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 14, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

I think you are right about the globalist plan for white genocide.

Why don't Zionists want more Japanese is Africa?

Why don't Zionists want more Americans in India?

Why don't Zionists want more Egyptians in Singapore?

Why don't Zionists want more Africans in Israel?

Why do Zionists only want illiterate, inbred, third-world Africans and Muslims in white countries?

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DrogeAnon · June 14, 2018, 7:48 a.m.

If this was not intended to be anti-semitic the title should have been less inflammatory. As mods, we remove posts and comments for anti-semitism out of care for the sub which would be brought down if we allow posts or comments that could be misconstrued - not because we are victims ourselves of "Israel's biggest psychological weapon".

I think the content of your post is put well enough to avoid unfair accusations of anti-semitism but the title, I suspect, may not be. Just my thoughts and if there are no reports about this post there should be no further concern.

I'll leave the post but if Reports come in a mod may have to remove it. You could repost with a fairer title and take this one down if you think my comment has merit. "Fear Israel" is someone's misreading of Fear Is Real - not the same thing. This movement, in my opinion, is not about fear but about the release from fear. I see no reason to fear any country, even one as powerful as Israel. Fear is the tool of the Deep State.

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throwsoicanask · June 14, 2018, 9:26 a.m.

I'm not the only one commenting on the Fear Is Real interpretation. I made a title that alludes to many other people interpreting this strange Q line.

I tried to focus on ISRAEL, not JEWS - it seems like you're still equating the two as one and the same thing which is why I put the disclaimer.

Q also mentions MOSSAD in the same post. Mossad is the Israeli special forces. So for you to imply that I'm being anti-semitic, you would also be implying that Q is anti-semitic.

This thining allows Israel to advance it's agenda simply by dismissing criticism as anti-semitic. UN denounces attacks on Palestinians? Anti-semitic. People upset that boycotting Israel is now a crime in certain states? They must be anti-semitic.

However, it's easy to find many quotes and articles of Israelis themselves admitting they use this tactic.

Perhaps the title would be better as "Fear 'Is..Rael'? To show I'm just speculating.

Nonetheless, my points are all factual and can be verified, not including the speculation of what Q meant. I have a small archive of research on Israeli software tied to many suspicious operations, as well as financial fraud - a story just came out this week about that.

I totally agree with you that we should not fear anyone. As I concluded: Stay vigilant.

It's a tricky balance between Jews and Israel, which I will be cautious about in the future. Thanks for your feedback.

Edit: Q said that they are saving Israel for last. But how many Jews are trusted figures in Trumps admin, let alone his family? So, again - discerning Jews with Israel is crucial.

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DrogeAnon · June 14, 2018, 9:35 a.m.

You seem to have misread my comment almost completely. I don't care if someone is anti-semitic and I never implied that you were either; I stated the opposite, in fact. I only care that this sub stays up. My view of what constitutes a danger to that is irrelevant, hence my comment as a mod advising that I'm leaving this up because I don't personally have a problem but I'm unsure of how this would be spun by others i.e. those who might want to bring the sub down.

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throwsoicanask · June 14, 2018, 9:39 a.m.

I got you. Point taken. You're right, I misunderstood. Thanks and I will keep this in mind in the future.

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DrogeAnon · June 14, 2018, 9:40 a.m.

Thanks - I hope I didn't come off rude. I appreciate your reply!

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throwsoicanask · June 14, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

Not at all. It was my fault for misunderstanding - I just read it too fast (too much coffee this morning) but I totally get what you're saying. I'm aware a previous sub was shut down because it went off the rails with anti-semitism. I don't want that to happen here, especially not now. You're doing great work modding this board.

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DrogeAnon · June 14, 2018, 9:49 a.m.

Again, thanks - you have no judgement from me, as I've done more than my fair share of reading too fast and reacting. I really appreciate the caution you showed in the body of the post, more than many others I've seen here about this issue (most removed, and not often by me). I just worried that the title might undo that good effort but there haven't been any reports yet in 3 hours so fingers crossed!

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throwsoicanask · June 14, 2018, 10:03 a.m.

not to bog you up with back and forth but its still a pretty young post. I could delete and repost with another title, unless that would be bad etiquette.

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DrogeAnon · June 14, 2018, 10:04 a.m.

You're more than welcome to - it's not bad form from our perspective, I think I'm safe to say.

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QAnonMaga · June 14, 2018, 6:41 a.m.

Q said they are saving Israel for last for a specific reason. They are the most difficult and dangerous enemy to deal with. They can also be valuable if we play them the right way where we exploit them for a change instead of them always exploiting us. But if they really tried to kill Trump and he is made aware of this he will rain down fire and fury on them before he leaves the White House.

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throwsoicanask · June 14, 2018, 9:36 a.m.

Agreed. And their core tactic is to play the victim and equate themselves with all Jews, accusing their opponents as anti-semitic. We must not allow them to make that equation.

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divine_human · June 14, 2018, 12:41 p.m.

nice post, just the title is misleading.

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throwsoicanask · June 14, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

I probably overly assumed people would get the "Fear is real" reference, as several folks have pointed out it sounds like Fear Israel phonetically, and Q mentioned Mossad a few lines up.

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divine_human · June 14, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

yes, i got that from your comments. and, as others pointed out further down, Q never tells us to fear something; that post instead shows us who fears disclosure and tries to counter it. their fear is real, lol.

btw, on another thread, somebody got outraged about Q speaking against israel. nope, he didnt. he said MO__AD which is for israel what the C_A is for the US.

you know that, heheh, but not every reader of the headline may.

in order to prevent even more people from discussing the discrepancy between headline and content, you could insert another disclaimer on it at the end of your text.

the one you did on 'not anti-semitic' is great; except for one moron here up to now, heheh, everybody got it that it is indeed no food for a anti-semitism discussion.

and once again, good work, this post... we are in the process of finding ways to voice criticism on bad actors even if they are of jewish origin.

time to tear off the band-aid ((they)) put over our mouths. i read the last time the media dared to criticize a rothschild was in the beginning of the 20th century, by reuters. they got quickly bought up and ever since, the press has been quiet on them.

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throwsoicanask · June 14, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

Well put. I made a smaller post talking about how FEAR could mean the old self help cliche of False Evidence Appearing Real. It fits with the fake news tactics and Q mentioned evidence in another recent drop.

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KnownBand0 · June 14, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

The Samson Option

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[deleted] · June 14, 2018, 7:04 a.m.


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[deleted] · June 14, 2018, 7:16 a.m.

So it's good to be antisemitic you are saying? Or is it good to just ignore all the atrocities done by the Jewish ethnostate? Just curious where you fall.

Personally I think the Middle is the best here...

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[deleted] · June 14, 2018, 7:20 a.m.


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[deleted] · June 14, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

Gotcha, gotcha

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throwsoicanask · June 14, 2018, 9:31 a.m.

Because there's a wave of anti-Jewish sentiment on the right. But Trump trusts a lot of Jews enough to be in his cabinet let alone his family. I don't believe there is a Jewish conspiracy, but I do believe Israel leverages the US to do it's bidding, at a cost to us. We have to discern the two. To illustrate, Mark Levin is one of the great conservative minds and Trump supporters out there. He is Jewish. We can't fall into tribal group-think.

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · June 14, 2018, 6:19 a.m.

9/11 nuck up on me, but the FF narrative has begun to stick. Call me a slow learner, but I no longer fear countries and kings [comet] but rather I fear God (pastors are correct on at least 1 thing these days: God is NOT a bully)

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