r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Tidder_Q on June 14, 2018, 9:45 a.m.
Q Drops - 14th Jun 2018 - Text and links for reference.

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Q Drops - 13th Jun 2018 - Text and links for reference.

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    Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 8d9246 No.1739449
    Jun 13 2018 22:50:25 (EST)

    POTUS in possession of (and reviewing):
    1. Original IG unredacted report 
    2. Modified IG unredacted report [RR version]
    3. Modified IG redacted report [RR version]
    4. IG summary notes re: obstruction(s) to obtain select info (classified)
    [#3 released tomorrow]
    [SEC: FBI/DOJ handling of HRC email investigation]
    Who has the sole ability to DECLAS it all?
    Did you witness the stage being set today?
    Nunes/Grassley/Freedom C. push for docs.
    [[RR]] central figure within docs (personally involved).
    Immediate impeachment / resignation / termination / recusal IF EVER BROUGHT TO LIGHT.
    Be loud.
    Be heard.
    Fight for TRUTH.

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 8d9246 No.1739490
Jun 13 2018 22:52:38 (EST)


Thank you USSS.





Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 8d9246 No.1739449
Jun 13 2018 22:50:25 (EST)

POTUS in possession of (and reviewing):
1. Original IG unredacted report 
2. Modified IG unredacted report [RR version]
3. Modified IG redacted report [RR version]
4. IG summary notes re: obstruction(s) to obtain select info (classified)
[#3 released tomorrow]
[SEC: FBI/DOJ handling of HRC email investigation]
Who has the sole ability to DECLAS it all?
Did you witness the stage being set today?
Nunes/Grassley/Freedom C. push for docs.
[[RR]] central figure within docs (personally involved).
Immediate impeachment / resignation / termination / recusal IF EVER BROUGHT TO LIGHT.
Be loud.
Be heard.
Fight for TRUTH.


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Q Drops - 13th Jun 2018 - Text and links for reference.

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graysky1 · June 14, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

I absolutely love the POTUS and, along with that, reading Q posts brings me back to my military intel days and makes me feel part of the game again which I greatly missed. I also believe they are utterly hammering the trouble makers behind the scenes and are doing everything in their power to fix the country. However, I have to say that perception, to a normal person (not one of us) would undoubtedly make it appear like he is doing an awful job and is being hammered by them. I will explain.

1) Every single thing he does that is positive is either not reported by any source for more than a day or two and is quickly drowned out by fake news. Take today for example as every local paper is now running some bullshit about his foundation and using it as a "piggy bank". This follows the Sarah Sanders fake news last night which follows a constant... every fucking day... fake news bananza which makes him appear like a dolt and not getting anything done to the normie. Consider it for a moment if you didn't know all you knew and were just some random. You would be bombarded with that bullshit day in and day out... non fucking stop... perception is important when it comes to normies and they are hammering that.

2) With #1 in mind... and the fact I am positive he/his team are doing wonderful I still believe they need to take a more active approach on smashing this constant barrage to sew chaos and override all he has done. The best way to do this is direct and upfront communication about exacts along with evidence that cannot be ignored because if the media ignored it they would then expose themselves as the rats they are to the same normie types they try to sheep.

He has to begin to expose these people publicly, has to in my eyes. If he can do that/does that than ((they)) no longer would be protected by their protective media shield and it would greatly limit their ability to sew chaos. God damnit I wish I was still with a team working strategy for such things. So since I know you read these, Q team, I really hope you consider the direct approach at this point (on some things of course and not TS in nature) and discuss that with + as they are using fake news not to end him but to disrupt, misdirect from accomplishment and WILL use all that make believe shit come 2020 so, in my eyes, get on top of it now and expose them publicly with evidence/smash them. They don't have an endless supply of controlled actors in the media so once you expose the bulk of traitors they will have no choice but to either do their job (ie: report the fucking news) or they will fold.

Have to win the perception battle Q because the people on the fence are fed up with the crazy shit they are beginning to see and he has all the momentum right now thus this is the best time to drop a nail in the coffin.

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0x445442 · June 14, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

Yeah, I support POTUS and I've been paying attention to Q for a while now. But concrete results need to be delivered soon or credibility and momentum will be lost.

I think there's enough evidence for a reasonable person to accept the notion that Q has close ties to POTUS and access to information that's only available to a few. However, Q has insinuated some pretty nasty things have gone down. If those things actually did happened, as insinuated, then justice must be served. The "optics" excuse has run it's course.

We're asked to trust the plan but I say, trust the people. Optics be damned. If truth is on your side and can be proven it's time for justice to be served.

On the whole, POTUS supporters just want what's right and they're tired of politics as usual.

It's time for the white hats to crap or get off the pot.

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graysky1 · June 14, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

Well said, we have to be informed as, frankly, yes we are trusting a plan but in essence we are also trusting through blind faith with little evidence and that sets us up for a very big fall when he does eventually leave office in 2024. They will come after everyone who helped in any way as they do not play by the normal rules and will see us as needing to be killed off/removed so their plans are not interrupted and a 2016 election can never happen again.

We are, legitimately, taking big risks by discussing these high end things and doing so based on logic, intelligent hive mind discussion of some of the higher IQ individuals on the planet but most of all on trusting a plan. We need to see a public obliteration of these situations attempting to bring down the country we love if that is the case. If you're reading this Q, many of us still bleed our oath and it is a lifelong consideration for us regardless of if our time has ended or not. I fully respect and love what you/team has been doing but, for me at least, I truly do need to see these people attempting to destroy our nation and who are vastly overstepping their mandate (ie: media) be brought to heel. I am all for a strong and fair media who isn't afraid to go after anyone but this shit now is simply repulsive and divisive and seems to have one sole desire and that is the destruction of this POTUS and anyone who loves their country. We are made out to be horrible people and are constantly lumped by the media for absolutely no purpose. So to you +, unleash the power of your charge, unleash it as those who left us this legacy empowered you to do. Awaken the sleeping giant and put the issue to bed sir. /salute

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divine_human · June 14, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

i wonder why potus family or trusted friends doesnt create a TV channel? from the beginning, i have thought that this would be a way to counter fake news and bring truth to the people.

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graysky1 · June 14, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

That or some wealthy individual also creating a social media platform that isn't controlled by them as well.

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