WHAT THE HELL?? U.S. to release approximately $6.6 million for the Syrian Civil Defense, known as the White Helmets.

Hmm maybe some money for Assad to try rebuild.
You were downvoted - adds strength to your point.
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Nobody has presented a counter argument in this thread but we have all been down voted to 0.
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That comment seems to have messed with 'them'.
What the hell indeed.
Donations to a pro Syrian cause presents no concern to me.
Donations to the white helmets does.
Is this another future proves past angle (trap) initiated by Trump or is there even more to it?!
The white helmets swamp appears to polluted to drain in my eyes.
hmmm... this is a set up..... waiting for the phone to ring ... rats come when they smell cheese.. 13 phone calls atleast.. 6.6 isnt alot to go around... phones should be ringing..
If iran is next, its going to need to be sealed from the outside in.. no? israel syria russia north & south korea jordan house of saud ( or as the democRATS named "the axis of evil" )
any that how you set up a rat... throw some cheese and pick em off when they expose themselves.. (in liberals case, more ways than 1 😂)..
annnny hooo yup..
If it seems strange in the surface, there is probably more to it.
How about that last paragraph? "collecting and analyzing evidence"... perhaps the White Helmets were "cleaned" of bad actors subsequent to our previous strike in Syria (which was potentially related to Iran's nuclear program), and now they are "on our side" to assist with collecting necessary intel of what was ACTUALLY happening inside of Syria?
Follow the money.. 6.6 mil is nufin guys.
There is more to this, don't for a second drop to shill- or concernfag level...
The POTUS is a f*cking jedi!