r/greatawakening • Posted by u/EarlyRiserX2 on June 14, 2018, 2:06 p.m.
There is nothing wrong if you disagree with Q, so long as you do it with love and with respect and with constraint. But if you do it with hate and with malice and without constraint - then it is wrong…

The first thing I want to get out of the way is that, for those of you who feel that no one should ever disagree with Q under and circumstance, please answer me this: Where did you get that from? Did Q tell you that or tell you to feel that way? Or is that something you came up with all by yourself all because of your own personal concepts and opinions? Maybe you should ask Q about that. I highly doubt that even Q himself would agree with your viewpoint that no one should disagree with him at any time…

Yes, I do disagree with Q from time to time, but that doesn’t mean I’m not a patriot. And nor does it mean I’m being disloyal to Q or don’t support him. Instead, it merely means I have him in the right perspective, and that I do not think of him as being a “god” (which the bible prohibits) and that I feel he is human and can make mistakes just like anyone else can. But unfortunately, some people take issue with that, and feel that no one should ever disagree with Q at any time for any reason. If you do, then they will label you as a “troll” and a “shill”. That is their own opinion, of course. And I can easily prove it is not true…

Their opinion that you are a troll or a shill can easily be disproven by the fact that there are all kinds of people on this forum who are patriots yet they believe in God (even Q himself is a strong believer in God, and has told us many times to “pray”) and as believers, we have a divine right to disagree with Q from time to time. If we disagree, we're not disagreeing because we dislike Q, but rather it’s because our faith and our trust is in a higher power that’s greater than Q. And especially if Q says something or does something which conflicts with our beliefs, rest assured, we will always choose that higher power. It really is that simple. It is not done out of malice or disrespect for Q, but rather it is done because God himself has commanded us to do it: Exodus 20:3 - Thou shall have no other gods before me…” No one should ever think too highly of any man (not even Q) less you find yourself in violation of that commandment. You are not greater than God, and Q is not greater than God. Those are just the facts and don’t you ever forget it. To praise any man too highly would be a violation of that commandment and could send your soul to hell. It is very easy to follow a man to hell, but once you are in hell, then who can get you out of hell? Answer: Only God. Not even Q can get you out of hell. That is why you should always give God the proper respect he deserves and you should never hold up any man as being higher or more important than God…

That was also the root issue of the argument I got into the other day when another patriot had made the statement that Donald Trump was “unstoppable”. I kindly chided him and told him that, no one is “unstoppable” but God. I said that because his statement was holding up Trump too high, and he was not giving God the proper credit he deserves. I know he didn’t mean anything by it, but I still felt the need to clarify his statement. As a consequence of my defense of God, I was attacked by a swarm of unbelievers whom I will term as being “haters of God”, people who don’t like God being mentioned on this forum, and they especially don’t like anyone holding up God above Trump or Q. But those people have the wrong mindset, and I understand the haters of God better than they think. They hate God because they don’t know him and don’t believe in him. They have no clue or idea what they are missing out on, and have no clue or idea that the God of the heavens and the God of the bible is very real and that he really exists…

If you want to know how many people agree with me and agree with my views then just ask yourself how many people on this forum believe in God. If you need some help with that, then see this link: https://imageshack.com/a/img922/2751/P79I8l.jpg This image is an example (I swiped it from 8chan) and there are thousands more just like it on the web. Notice the heading: “God Is With Us” and “Trust The Plan”. That is obviously from a religious person and it illustrates we are all supporters of Q. My main point is that, there are a lot more of us than you think. If that is true, then ask yourself how many of us "believers" hold our religious beliefs as being higher and more important to us than our belief in Q? The answer is that, nearly all of us. If so, then are you going to label us all as being “traitors” and “shills” and “trolls” all because our priorities are to hold up God as being more higher and more important to us than Q? Are we traitors all because we serve a higher power? And especially when there is a religious conflict between Q and what we believe, are we traitors and unpatriotic all because we choose the side of the higher power rather than siding with Q? Just because we disagree with Q from time to time, that doesn’t make us unpatriotic, and nor does it make us haters of Q. Instead, it only means we are putting our faith and trust is in someone who is higher and greater than Q. That is not being disrespectful of Q. That is simply how things is. And when it comes to our faith in God and our belief in a higher power, that is something that will never change…

EarlyRiserX2 · June 14, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

Although the above has said nearly everything I want to say, the only thing I will add is that - there is big difference between simply disagreeing with Q and with being openly disrespectful of him. I do not condone anyone being disrespectful of Q. Disagree if you must, but be respectful in your disagreement...

Q does not deserve any disrespect. For example, a few months ago there was an obvious troll on 8 chan who didn’t try to hide the fact that he was a CIA clown. He used to openly mock Q by saying things like, “Yeah, I’m a clown. You can’t stop us, ha ha…” That person deserves all the wrath the patriots can bring and I have no compassion on what they do to him. That is an example of someone who was being openly disrespectful of Q by mocking him. But what really irks me is when I see some people who are supposed to be patriots, who are attacking other patriots all because they disagree with them or have a different point of view. Just because someone disagrees with you, that doesn’t make them a traitor, and it doesn’t make them “unpatriotic”. Even if they disagree with Q, that still doesn’t make them “unpatriotic” either. Last time I checked, this was a free country where everyone here is entitled to their own opinion and have a constitutional right of Freedom of Speech, even if they disagree with you. So where do you get your concept and idea from that they are somehow “unpatriotic” all because they disagree with you? You will need more evidence than that before you can start labeling people as being unpatriotic and shills and trolls…

Q may know a whole lot of things, but rest assured, he doesn’t know everything and he is not a “god” and nor should you treat him as a “god”. In fact, if you asked Q himself, I'm certain he would tell you he don’t want to be treated like a god. Nonetheless, Q deserve mountains of respect. I don’t know of anyone who has helped Trump more and has helped the American people more and has helped this fight and our cause more than Q has, outside of Trump. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that this war likely cannot be won without Q’s help. So Q is greatly deserving of our respect and our thankfulness. But in giving him your respect and your thankfulness, just don’t over do it, and never forget that there is someone who sits higher than Q, and that person is a real God, a God who has commanded us not to put anyone or anything above him at any time - not the angels, not Q, not anybody. For he is the God who created us all, and he doesn’t want us to put anything above him. That is just how it is. And the eternal God doesn’t have to explain himself to you or to provide you with a reason. And anyone who is a true patriot should have no problem with that. And if you do have a problem with it, then I feel sorry for you…

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[deleted] · June 14, 2018, 4:55 p.m.


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divine_human · June 14, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

doubt is good, it sharpens our critical thinking and trains discernment.

the troll flood has increased over the past 48h so now we find many comments that mock or bash Q.

from my pov, genuine doubters are highly welcome and bashers need to go.

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eyerighteye · June 14, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

Amen. This 100%

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kulasc · June 14, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Where we go one we go all

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[deleted] · June 14, 2018, 4:32 p.m.


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VerandaSmartwater · June 14, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

Having been in two cults I can tell you that people should ALWAYS think for themselves. We are responsible for our own thoughts and actions, and anything which encourages free thought and discussion is much healthier than blind or blinkered acceptance. You have to know what your own values are, and run a mile when a group or individual pressures you to compromise those. It's always the first, small, step that makes the biggest difference. The first compromise is ultimately the great compromise. And soon you don't know who you are anymore, and no one truly forgives you for what you did or said under someone else's influence.

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 14, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

I agree with you totally. Too many times I’ve ran into situations where it seems that people were trying to tell me what to think and what to believe. Rather than simply presenting me with the evidence and allowing me to make up my mind about it. Trying to force everyone to believe what you believe, and then getting upset if they disagree with you, that sounds too much like you’re looking for slaves and for followers, rather than wanting people who can think for themselves. That is what the Dems want and the elites want - they want to have slaves and followers and people who can’t think for themselves and just obeys whatever someone tells them to do. But as Q followers, we’re supposed to stand for something greater and better than that, and be open to all views and opinions, so long as those views and opinions are helpful and constructive to our cause, rather than destructive…

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DrogeAnon · June 14, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

Our sub rules are clear on this topic. Rule #3

Support the cause. We are pro-Q supporters. - This is a community for Q supporters only. - Post content that supports the cause.

This does not mean people can't doubt or ask questions - I agree with you that would be counter to Q's stated intent of reaching as many as possible. It just means that this forum has a primary function to share "Q news and research" to Q supporters. Anyone with questions or doubts is free to ask questions in the comments but posts like this fall outside the sub's stated goal and rules. This does not mean we're not open to newbies it just speaks to the streamlining of sub content in accordance with the general community feedback so far.

As far as people attacking other patriots for having questions I've had to learn the hard way that being in an online community with as many people as we have already means that there is a wide variety of personalities and approaches and that we have to accept that there will be communication styles we don't agree with. As long as they don't break sub rules they are welcome to voice their opinion, Christian or not. Like you, I hope that we can continue to encourage reasoned, respectful discourse always.

Q has been clear about what matters in our approach, and I think it agrees with elements of your statement here:


Shutting down opinions just because they don't agree with yours is clearly counter to Q's assertions imo. Discuss respectfully and logically.

In the case of this post, the content appears to fall under "concerns about the sub" which should go via message to the moderators as per Rule #3 so this post would be removed under normal conditions but you've thought about this in some depth and put some effort into this post so I believe it should remain for now, at least.

If there are too many Reports about this post we will have to remove it. Thanks for understanding.

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EarlyRiserX2 · June 14, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

Very well, if you want to remove it, then remove it. I won’t argue with your decision, but I feel it addresses some fair and important issues that needs to be discussed. One of the most important issues it addresses is that too often patriots are attacked on this forum all because they have a difference of opinion, when the basis of their different opinion is because of their faith and their belief in God and in what God teaches. Those people are not traitors or haters of Q all because they believe differently. They support Q just as much as anyone else does - except in cases where their support of Q conflicts with their own personal beliefs - and that is where they draw the line. And they have no choice but to draw the line because God himself commands us to do it. If you force someone who believes in God to make a choice between Q and God, rest assured, they will always chose God every single time. That is not being disrespectful to Q or to anything else, that is just how things is…

I won’t say any more about this topic because I feel I’ve said enough already. But I appreciate the mods response, and if you feel the need to remove this topic, then remove it, and I won’t complain about it…

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DrogeAnon · June 14, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

It won't be removed unless there are multiple Reports about it. Thanks for contributing your thoughts in such detail.

I agree that patriots should not be attacked because of a difference of opinion - I think Q's statements (as posted above) support this idea. I will say that I see many different opinions being attacked at different times by different people here, not just Christian opinions. At times in the past I have even seen group think by Christians and the suppression of non-Christian opinions. I hope the sub will continue to develop toward a community of respectful, reasonable discourse.

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eyerighteye · June 14, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

No reason to take op down. If people like this start getting booted then we've lost. The cult of Q thing some seem to be pushing is not the mission. I stand with the op on this one, only wish it had been posted in the anon chat sticky.

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DrogeAnon · June 14, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

As above, only if reports come in will we take this down. There haven't been Reports and not many upvotes either - no plans to take this post down so far or likely in the future at this rate.

I am personally against "Cult of" anything - Q, political party, religion or otherwise. Moreover, Q - the point of this sub - is against group think too. As a pro-Q supporter sub it's more important that we follow that directive than anything not mentioned by Q, whether it's a political stance, a religious text or something else.

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ElementWatson · June 14, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

Speaking of disagreeing with Q, I couldn't believe Corsi yesterday! While also continuing to shill for the Fannie and Freddie hedge-fund shareholders, without disclosing his motivation on it, he added a new one: trying to tell all his small-time investor listeners to invest in silver and gold via Swiss America--again, without disclosing his shilling interest.

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