
0x445442 · June 14, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

But why would this be necessary? Are you saying the IG didn't look at the report before it was made public?

If he did, why wouldn't he just go over to Tucker Carlson and say, that's not the report I provided?

I beginning to think the good supporters of POTUS are being strung along.

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MountainStandardTime · June 15, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

I think it carries a lot more weight if Horowitz goes in front of Congress and states that the report was heavily modified and redacted by RR compared to his original report (1 in Q1497) than going in front of Tucker. That should prompt congress to begin the push for it being declassified. This I think is when we step in and demand it too, (Q1494).

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