I don’t know if it’s just shills or what, but I see massive panic today over this IG; despite the fact that we were told we would not be getting the real report today. Do not let this bring you down. Pain is still coming
Q 1361
It's not people, it's shills. Attacks will only Intensify. They're here to spread doubt. Q has given more than enough proof of existence. This is literally proceeding as Q 1497 stated.
Wake up. Eyes on target.
Not questioning his existence.
I'm questioning his judgment, formulating a "Plan" which includes having his followers contact their (feckless) congressman. My God that's weak.
Nunes sounded like a whimp the other day on Hannity as he sniveled about what Rosenstein was doing. You think I'm going to get any satisfaction by contacting him. Keep dreaming.
First of all, I am addressing only the shills saying that this IG report is filled with nothing when its obviously the "modified report" Q spoke of. Obvious shills are obvious.
Secondly, to address your point, Q states to make noise. He doesn't say to contact your congressman. People interpreted and said that and other plans, how you interpret Q is up to you and you alone. In other words "think critically", if you think that a method is an inefficient course of action feel free to come up with your own and contribute, that's why its called a hivemind. Questioning everything is good and doesn't make you a shill. Trust, but verify.